Benthic Explorer

Before there was Die Hard, there was a little movie called First Blood.

1964 will most definitely be The Train.

Where I come from, that means you're about to steal a mirror.

The Sauget ballet.

[Inserts obligatory Imos, Ted Drews and toasted ravioli reference.]

I think you're supposed to listen to Rush.

I'll just leave this here

I always called it The Two Cheetos album.

The helpful detail missing from this review: How the hell does one see this? It's not showing in Los Angeles. I doubt any art-house theater anywhere is 3D equipped.

Budget was $35 mill. Yeah, that's 75 trillion bucks now, give or take a few.

You do know that the 2 headed dragon monster at the end was named Eborsisk, right?


She's not a goat, she's a loose cannon.

But if not for her early elimination we'd never have gotten to see the band she formed with Coach and JT at Ponderosa. That was hilarious!

Well his buddy JT did a 180 nosedive his second time out too.

I'm going to try to say this every single time she gets quoted. If you are going to make fun of the way a hearing impaired person talks because it amuses you, you should reevaluate.

"I voted for Abi."

Maybe they were only allowed two total assholes per tribe. That would be Spencer, Cass, Shirin, and Abi. No room for Shane, who, let's face it, had the assholerey of ten players.

In my this is what I would do if I were playing fantasy, I would have nixed Shirin and kept Abi on the chopping block for the next loss because the person everyone hates and wants gone should be kept around as a voting number until you get rid of the second and third most annoying players first on the off chance that

Joe : Malcolm as Savage : Probst.
Cochran : Fishbach as…