Benthic Explorer

I gotta ask, how do you know this stuff?!? I mean, I don't exactly google this, but you seem to have some inside skinny. Care to explain?

Can you elaborate? Because to me, it was very clear from her previous Ponderosa clips that everyone justifiably hates her.

I might have enjoyed redemption island if not for the fact that the monkey island king was a Jesus wannabe challenge beast who only proved the absence of god (or the presence of a spiteful one) way too late in the season.

I like Woo. Although thanks to the AV Club, I caught the trailer for his Santa in Laguna Beach trailer and now I'm rooting for him solely because he'll never work in this town again.

Can someone give me the backstory on Wigglesworth's extensive plastic surgery. She can't be more than 40 but one more face lift and she'll be a bearded lady!

I do not understand this Unfrozen Caveman reference, but if they put Brendan Frazer on this show he'd probably be as unrecognized as Lisa Wechel was.

Well, he voted out Vytas, so he's pretty much on the majority for now.

Spit to the plan!

Two replies:
1) I look forward to having back in my life once again the burning desire to see the quick demise of Shirin and Abi Maria.
2) I'm glad someone else picked up on Spencer's crappy metaphor. I mean how the hell is someone going to take out a row of ducks with a rifle. That's the job, as Keith probably knows


Hoping to get in a day ahead of the new Second Chances season.
My pick four:
Spencer, Tasha, Vytas, Stephen

Cypress Hill, I'm talking to you.

You're my wonderwall.

I might have liked the book better if I read it instead of listening to Wil Weaton's mealy mouthed audiobook. Pretty sure the dialogue sucked either way. But it did have Ultraman, so there's that.

Today I learned that we now consider a movie where the main character is CGI to have "few special effects."

So you liked Following? You enjoyed the deus ex clone magical ending of The Prestige? You want to spend more time with Mathew McConaghey in a bookshelf? You liked watching an hour of people dreaming about machine guns that couldn't hurt them? That's cool. I've got some shity movies I return to again and again (I would

Get ready, player one.

Fucker. I just typed the exact same thing. Except that Interstellar was simply the most recent of his movies that I didn't like.

Or the 1977 Star Wars, essentially every Buck Rogers sci-fi serial ever made.

Christopher Nolan directed 9 movies. One was a remake and three were superhero sequels. The others don't reward repeat viewings. If you think that's a track record for originality and innovation then you, my friend, are part of the problem.