Benthic Explorer

Do tell…

Being shitty is what ruined Interstellar for me.

That's nice.

Am I the only one who was genuinely surprised to hear an expletive in a non-red band movie trailer? It's about fucking time.

You've just described my relationship with Ornella Muti, better known as Princess Red Pants in Flash Gordon.

Et tu, Jake?

[Shakes fist, and not in a Success Kid meme kind of way]

I thought she was in NNtN too! I've been fixated on two separate women? And who was in My Tutor? I thought it was all three o them!

Alright AV Club, focus. I need your help. Help me with her roles in Grand Canyon and Forrest Gump, because I always loved this woman and know I would have recognized her in either of those flicks.

I own every single record they've made, but I haven't listened to any in several years. Ballad of Red Buckets was always a favorite of mine.

Nah, make him a tough mudderer.

I'm pretty sure I saw Roar on cable as a kid. Anybody else remember seeing this dismemberment?

Over the shoulder still counts as POV if you know there's someone standing behind that shoulder.

After my immense enjoyment of Fury Road, last night I watched Babe Pig in the City for the first time. That movie is stunning!

Entertaining premise and cast, but damn, visually, this movie looks so incredibly low budget. How is that even possible these days when you can make a movie look decent while shooting on a friggin' iPhone?

Well, they can't let you see the Vancouver skyline.

Are you a professional asshole or just a gifted amateur?

If you think Lost Girls is crap, I'm just going to ignore everything you say.

I thought he met Freud in The 7% Solution.

More like Miller is what would happen if Ronald Reagan's head were inserted into a rectal portal to another dimension and became attached to the tip of Ed the Happy Clown's dick.