Benthic Explorer

Before I place my bet, with or without rings?

As an East End prostitute, she would have become wealthier than Queen Victoria in about a year.

Until a movie takes his comics and uses them like story boards for a panel by panel adaptation and it isn't directed by Zack Snyder, I too will hate the shit out of it.

The Hulk taken to his logical end point.

Hysterical blindness and male pattern baldness.

It may be worth mentioning that he drove the car around Venice, Italy. Venice, man. Fuck! That movie sucked donkeys. Met one of the producers once and had to resist the urge to kill him with my dinner fork.

I always thought it a little fucked up that he cast his daughter as Ygraine in Excalibur.

Yes. The young girl who worked as a maid for the writer was raped by him and gave birth to a story.

What immortal hand or eye,
Could frame thy fearful thing to pee?

No need to get snotty.

[Loudly drops forceps]

"Cross over children. All are welcome to revisit the original film."

Your comment is double plus good, citizen.

I think you're missing something.

Truman Show birthed an entire psychiatric disorder, didn't it?

"I kind of paid to do this project."
I love the guy (GATACA and Lord of War are great), but come on.

Pete won me over with the jitterbug he did with Trudy. Ever since that moment I saw him in a whole new light.

It struck me as ultimately positive. Betty would continue to do exactly what she wanted, from climbing the university stairs and puffing on her cancer stick to courageously facing her mortality. And Sally seemed to move past her parents' self-centered upper class attitudes in a moment of domesticity.

Same here. Literally wanted buy a ticket again for the next show!