Benthic Explorer

I went in with Humungus expectations but this movie knocked my socks off!

Drop what you are doing and go see it. Hands down one of the all time greatest action movies. Not sure why anyone would give this anything less than A+.

Well this is the network that cancelled Community and went from must see TV to dead last in the ratings. A blindfolded chimp with a pencil clenched in his teeth could program the network better than its current executives.

Did that happen? Dang!

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks for the input—I honestly did not know that. Maybe I'm reading chapters too late at night. I kept thinking it was the mad king himself who stole Lyanna away. But I think Robert could be Jon's father without Lyanna being his mother. I mean, why would Ned keep Robert + Lyanna + Jon a secret? Who would that

I'll bet you a quarter I'm right.

Isn't Benjen Cold Hands? Who the hell is Cold Hands? I need to finally get around to finishing Dance w/ Dragons.

If you've got dragons and a crippled character who can shape shift into other creatures, you can bet Bran has dibs on a dragon.

I believe he said he'd be up for any return they asked him to do.

RL=J spoiler speculation:

and epub version

I have not read any of the fan theories, and I haven't even finished Dance of Dragons, but one Season One quote keeps going through my head: "Black of hair."


The first script got a major polish from the husband wife duo who wrote American Graffiti. The annotated Star Wars script actually attributes all the good lines to them. "I see sir." "You can call me Luke." "I see, Sir Luke." Etc.

No, of the Chippewa Falls Walrusmen.

Watching that video is painful. All of these people and not one has the sense to tell George his scene falls flat. "Faster and more intense" is probably only said during the thoroughly implausible Yoda fight scene.

That's such a damn fine bit of casting I wonder if you are actually Bonnie Timmermann.


[Raises hand] I hate Mike. But I'm very impressed by how hard he's playing the game. Better than anyone else by a landslide.