Benthic Explorer

Please watch Shirin at Ponderosa and then report back here. They all freaking hate Shirin, and with good reason.

No matter what, it's still pizza.

You are not allowed to use the word that begins with a "C" in this forum if it describes the female anatomy, as I learned recently. I assume it's OK to say cock, clit, or the bearded clam, just so long as nobody gets their nose out of joint.

"Um, so how does that work?" Same way it works for everybody who tries to weasel their Christian ethics: The good ole poop hole loophole.

Mike's line, "I do crossfit," fulfilled the contractual obligation of every crossfitter to always inform the rest of the world that they indeed do crossfit.

Will would def flip to avoid rocks. But so would any of these people.

Disagree. I think she's sitting comfortably with Dan and Rodney, people she genuinely despises.

"FEE-FI-FO-FUM" — That is an outstanding Rupert impression!

1) We've got Mike, the hardest working contestant since Tony.
2) Rodney is an asshole, but he's been scheming to screw Mike and any other schemer he can before they snuff his torch.
3) We've got Tyler, who is diabolically sneaky at this point.
4) Mama C has a hidden immunity idol and came to the merge in a two person

Probst saying "Best season ever!" is much like a Gawker click-bait title. Find out why? No. Fool me once, …

My money is still on Sierra. I think she's going to be the Fabio/Samoa-Natalie of this group of assholes.

Glad you wrote this. I was wondering! Amazing that you remember that!

Even more than just upper body, it all came down to forearms and hand strength. There's a reason we've never seen a Survivor arm wrestling challenge and probably shouldn't see this particular challenge again, either. Unless the next one has two winners: One for the person who can stay in the challenge the longest and

For what it's worth, I hate Shirin, too. I'm not saying people are being nice to her, but if you've seen her during her non-confessional time at Ponderosa, she's pretty much the hypocritical drama queen with no gratitude that Dan called her.

That's pretty funny, but the sad truth is that for many kids who go through foster care, it's traumatic experience.

I'll go a step further and say I hate Rodney, but I laughed hard when he confesssed, "Everything Mike said is true, but…"

Shane made the final two pick a number between one and 100. I thought it was incredibly petty of him and really disrespectful of the rules of the game. So I really don't agree with you here. By the way, did you know that there's a word on the AV Club message board that you are not allowed to say? It aint "fuck,"

Be careful using language like "dong-wafers" around here. Last week my comment got deleted for using a word that rhymes with "punt."

I've never been more disgusted with a Survivor than when Colton used his index fingers to make his eyes look slanted in a taunt to the asian contestant. I can't believe they even showed something so reprehensibly racist.

Agreed. Anger is a hell of a motivator for being awful. Colton was just a flat out sadist.