Benthic Explorer

Will went way too far and definitely tipped the scales into full tilt asshole, but you are right in pointing out that his anger was at least justified. And Shirin's hand going up says a lot about why the other contestants can't stand her.

Oops, please ignore my comment above. I now realize yours is an opinion better left unacknowledged.

Et tu, Emma? Calling someone a wench means he's a misogynist? I called Drew a douchebag. Does that make me a misandrist?

I don't see how calling Jenn a "cunt" is misogynistic. Would it be misogynistic to call her an asshole? How about a shit head? Bitch face? What's wrong with not liking her and calling her names?

Which website? Other than Amazon.

Did you see how quickly Will, Tyler, and Carolyn all cut ties to go with the majority alliance? Why would Sierra trust any of those people to start something new when she's already worked hard to stay in the most cohesive alliance?

Totally disagree with you. She's sticking with her numbers, knowing full well that if she makes it to the final the game is hers, Natalie from Samoa style.

Good strategy when you're against the ropes is to have players turn on each other.

His shitty tattoo helps me hate Mike, but I've got a lot of respect for his game play and the speech he gave to Dan. And as far as religious fuck wits goes, at least he stands true to his convictions. And by that I'm referring to Rodney's claim that he's celibate, which is really weird, but may have more to do with

I'm sorry.

"Identified Shirin as the outcast for some reason…" Um, I can think of a dozen reasons people think of Shirin as an outcast, not the least of which is she's the bottom rung on a losing alliance and is completely useless as anything but a goat.

Wanna watch me win this best and worst Hollywood offspring opinion match?

Smaller than Swordfish?
Edit: checked the above photo. I think he just missed a spot. Or has some dude's taint hairs stuck to his chin.

Haven't seen Dakota Johnson in a movie (and may never, at this rate), but surely she can't be as undeserving of a role as Ron Howard's kid. Or Demi Moore's kid. Or that chick from Almost Famous and almost nothing else of note. I think all the offspring of Hollywood royalty ought to be locked in a building with nothing

I'm dewin' meye best Nicholson heah.

Good call. Wondered where that mannerism came from.

You realize that's not saying much. Try Decades.

Outlandish hair and makeup? Check.
Weird voice and mannerisms? Check.
A rehash of Goodfellas? I liked the "Funny, how? Like a clown?" scene better.

But that movie sucked. And it sucked in a Home Depot, no less!

So does this mean she doesn't die?