Benthic Explorer

That's nice. What's a Beyonce?

"Pinpointing, dude."

Oh shit. Well everybody, I've been looking at a little bit of porn!

Don't forget sequels to family films. How to Train Your Dragon was original? Not in ten years when Dragon 8 hits theaters.

I still have a bunch of free AMC movie passes. I haven't wanted to see the types of movies that AMC shows since Wolf of Wall Street. You'd think counter-programming would be a thing in my neighborhood, but AMC will let the indie theaters get all of my business.

I like how Hollywood actors act like they're down with the people when the disparity between their paychecks and residuals and the pennies paid to craftsmen make them look like the .0001%.

Has anyone else here mentioned how annoying it is when people talk, text, or otherwise act like fuck wits in the theater? They don't do that shit in my living room.

GF and I spent weeks talking about how we'd like to see Birdman and Boyhood in the theater. Can't say that the prospect of spending $38 dollars for two hours in the dark is nearly as appealing an entertainment option as binge watching a Netflix or HBO series on the sofa. If tickets for two in L.A. were under $20 and

I shit you not, I wrote a letter to NBC telling them how I hadn't seen an episode of Community until that Hot Lava episode and thought it was the funniest thing I've ever seen on network TV. They didn't care.


That right there is high fucking praise! I'll check it out.

Studio Executive: Melissa McCarthy is so "hot" right now.

Not if Dr. Rex Morgan can save the old biddy.

Leave my god damn For Better or For Worse alone. I'm still writing fan fic in my mind to keep Mike and Lizardbreath alive.

That was in case he got lost.

Wait till we get a dark and gritty, Dark Knight inspired re-imagining of Captain Crunch. And a few years later, Crunch Vs. Booberry!

The Postman is hugely entertainingly shitty!

I met a producer of LXG at a wedding and, being a big Alan Moore fan, I had to stifle the urge to punch him in the throat.

The correct answer is: As big a flop as Battlefield Earth. One of the few so-bad-it's-not-even-so-bad-it's-good movies ever.

This all comes down to casting. And by that I mean, who will they get to fill the red plastic pants of Ornella Muti's Princess Aura? I think I broke my pubescent pecker while watching her feminine whiles.