Benthic Explorer

In T2, by the end, Arnold is running around with only one arm. Left his other in the melty metal factory and no one ever went back for it.

In the interests of film history for those honky's who haven't had at least two years of Jive:

"It's in your nature to destroy yourselves."

You're saying what I thought.

Slow clap!

I agree with you, etl, that this being the interwebs and all, I should post in unqualified boilerplate. So I would edit this and strike through the "prob" word. Although I'm still pleased with my hyperbole and agree with everyone here who says this movie sucks donkeys and spoilers don't matter to the people who might

I was underwhelmed by the ending of the Abyss in theaters, but I absolutely love the extended edition. I recommend it. I'm still waiting for the Bluray to come out.

I'd put First Blood, Aliens and Terminator on that list, if we're making lists now.

Passes mirror chalked up with with lines of cocaine.

"Get off my lawn if you want to live."

"You're governated, mother fucker."

Zemmeckis followed the spoiler laden What Lies Beneath by showing the penultimate scene from Cast Away in the trailer, too. He went on record defending the move, saying that audiences are only interested in seeing movies where, like a big mac, they know exactly what kind of crap sandwich they'll be biting into.

"You wanna go see Terminator Gynecologist, or just sit here and suck face?"

I thought you might be talking about the bland-looking honky that plays Reese, but nope. Looks like this movie went all in on shit casting and making sure their plot twists, jokes, and story beats would land with all the dead weight of a sheet-metal pressed endoskeleton.

Why waste your time? They showed the whole movie, saving us all two hours and twenty bucks.

I'm gonna go on record and say that this trailer will probably go down as the worst marketing in movie history.

No, man. He's blind. Episode one, he says he'd give up everything he has to see the sky again.