Benthic Explorer

Are you aware that you repeatedly misspell "were?" I'm counting three times already in two separate comments. Just saying.

I still think she could win it. I could two bringing her to a final three thinking she's not a player and not realizing the jury despises them. Think Natalie on Samoa.

Actually, I think it was Rodney won him over. And Mike who screwed him into voting Halie. I think Mike secretly wants Rod all to himself.

She had me at that dorky "M'lord" in episode one.

I think he was smart enough to recognize that No Collar is about to get choked out.

I think Blue is proving you don't have to like your tribe to Pagong along.

With Mike gone, Dan and Rodney's games would implode. Pretty sure Kelly could have made it far if that happened.

I find it deeply disturbing that Dan takes his shits in the ocean. Can't he dig a hole a hundred yards from camp? Can you imagine Jenn coming out of the water with Dan's Baby Ruth stuck to her forehead? The ocean is vast, but coastal tides can keep things churning right at the shore.

How much?

14% APR!

And who did they initially plan to pilot this shit?

Coop's about to abandon his daughter for the last time, and after a bookshelf gave him binary coordinates to NASA, and a book spontaneously falls off the shelf. Coop sees it but leaves without any further investigation. That's when I was like, "Yeah, science, bitch!"

Well, that movie, at least, has a good director. If you look at The Duelist through Blade Runner and ignore everything else he's ever done. [Sigh.]

Reminded me of when Trinity ran up the wall in The Matrix ten years before. What were your thoughts on all those people on skis and snowmobiles shooting machine guns at each other for twenty interminable minutes?

I would like to offer my opinion that I fucking hate Interstellar.


"Four foot one? Oooh, that is a long time to have been a robber."

When Trebek retires they've absolutely gotta hire Jennings!

This was one of the most heartwarming things I've ever seen! I hope Robert gave Albert a big check when this was over!