Benthic Explorer

Bro, it's not cool to say Rodney's mom has sex with men and then they give her money for the sex and then she uses the money to pay for things. Nobody should say anyone's mom has sex with men and then they give her money for the sex and then she uses the money to pay for things.

That took me about five minutes.

Why not? I hear Rodney's mom takes it from everyone else.

"I apologize for not having the proper serving implements."
—Creepy Matt, Survivor: Amazon

Am I the only one around here who thought Mike got that shitty looking tattoo while in jail?

I'm still stuck on Sierra. Maybe it's just a holdover from her pregame interview where she talks about being on the road eating fast food. She did nothing this ep, but watch her face during all the drama. She at least knows when to STFU.

That disdain for nudity gave me a "this guy might be a Mormon" vibe. And those jeans were so goddamn tight they might have been jeggings!

The inevitable separation of wheat from chaff does not make for bad survivor pre merge, it just makes a columnist's job more challenging. "Doesn't matter, still pizza" sums up this episode for me. Or to quote Alfred E Newman, no matter how you slice it, it's still baloney.

I thought I'd lay off a friend of my friend's Go password on my Chromecast and actually support HBoobO because they make great original programming (Citizenfour is one of the best docs ever made). If they think I'm going to buy an Apple product they can just go fuck themselves.

Can't delete pictures or uninstall an app? Had no idea this was an issue. That's downright retarded.

Well, he had Eno produce. Too bad they didn't cover a NIN song or two while they were together.

Schmoker, I'll give you weed, whites and wine and show you a good time if you're still willin'. But all kidding aside, yours is the only internet response I've ever received that totally creeped me the fuck out until I realized, "What?!? Oh, the uniform."

Holy shit. White dude from L.A. chiming in—I've always thought it was "Odale" not "Orale." I feel dumb now.

I assume you ask why would this scene be less "problematic" if it is based on a real life occurrence and I would say because the author accuses the scene of falling into "white savior" narrative as seen in Cry Freedom (or more recently, The Blind Side). Both of those stories are based on real events, too, but focus so

The lack of reaction is an important part of the scene. Here's a stranger interrupting a family's meal. No one is going to be enthusiastic when that happens. The mom had a profound impact on this guy's life basically by being a stereotypical nagging mom for 24 seconds. She's done the same thing for her kids for the

I'll take saggy boobs over squirrel paw any day. I will stop talking now.

Um, nope. Although I haven't seen Buttwhistle. That does sound like a future classic.

First Blood was definitely two or three of my favorite movies that year!

From the moment the drop ship touches down on LV426 or whatever it was, Aliens built a serious amount of foreboding, dread and terror. When they finally open up with the smart guns shit goes straight to 11 all the way until the drop ship explodes. That was seriously one of the best movies to ever see in a packed

That picture of Stalone above: Does it look heavily airbrushed or maybe like someone grabbed a fistful of all his loose skin from behind and pulled it really tight? Dude's 70+ years old.