Benthic Explorer


Am I the only one around here who watched Consumer Reports, All Summer in a Day, and The Electric Grandmother? God, I would watch anything on HBO as a kid. I think I saw For Your Eyes Only four times in one day!

I just had a nostalgia trip back to a much simpler time in my life when I would watch that intro without blinking because it was the most state of the art thing I'd seen since the final attack on Death Star II in Jedi. And then I would guess what movie was about to start based on the degree of nudity, language, and

I have a networked sony bluray player and use it for Amazon Prime. Everything else gets the chromecast treatment.

Reddit has a chromecast thread where all people talk about is streaming VLC. I use it a lot for PBS and projectfreetv shows.

That's because picking Dan is a very bad idea. [Says the guy with Creepy Horse in his Pick Four.]


What the fuck happened to your keyboard?

Benjamin Franklin "Hawkeye" Pierce.

I liked it a lot. And then started watching Togetherness and Transparent, both of which I like immensely. So to me, having seen nothing else of theirs, The Duplass Bros are pretty fucking great. I'm turned off entirely by the term "mumblecore." Sounds too much like emo. Eno, on the other hand, is awesome.

Actually, this answer would utterly destroy about 90% of (at the very least) everyone I know, myself included.

Writes down "Someone who has never been in my kitchen."

All in favor of "Creepy Horse" as the season's first nickname say "Aye."

That is good strategy!

But Agent Philip's pink panties…

Jeff can we pleeease get these girls some peanut butter!?!

Agreed, but three tribes instead of two really shifts the game dynamics. Don't discount a Denise and Malcolm style run.

I was yelling at my computer for Carolyn to play her idol and wrongly assumed she was going straight home. So was easy on the eyes, but I hate that mean-spirited type player. Good people make good Survivor in my book. Nobody stays clean for long.

quick quiz: 3 x 0 = ____

Yep, Dan's on the chopping block. Dana's as good as gone, and Joaquin is circling the drain. In all, I was very surprised and entertained because out of the gate, I thought this was a very strong cast—no whiny teenage types (now that So's game went south). Vince is definitely Coach 2.0. "Who is this jackass" cranked