Benthic Explorer

He probably has "Hanz" on a butt cheek.

[breaths a sigh of relief] Thank you!

wait, does this mean only one person can pick a particular combo? If that's the case, then I'm fire-selling Joaquin in favor of Tyler. So Joe, Sierra, Vince and Tyler (the talent agency guy). I know I'm gonna regret Vince. I already do.

I had picked both Vince and Joaquin. Definitely selling Joaquin but Vince is shaping up to be a clueless sucker/goat for this season. Coconut vendor = ice cream scooper.

Maybe they worried it would be five copies of Fermat's Last Theorem.

I wonder if the scorpion's poison is synthesized in the stinger or somewhere further up the body. After his barfing, I gotta think the latter.

Survivor will do very well when they finally decide Probst has had enough.

Haven't seen anyone comment yet on how utterly idiotic it is to chose a 50 piece puzzle over a 5 piece one. That's some seriously stoopid level arrogance there.

Heard it here first, folks. SockMonkeys pegged him as the killer long before the jury will.

Maybe she was just playing evil to the cameras, but anyone who claims with pride to have made her employees cry most likely really is "an evil bitch."

It's like something Bob from Gabon might fashion out of tar and string. I agree with Carrie on one thing, at least, it looks like something made with pipe cleaners.

All I've seen and need to see was that clip during the show. I yelled the same thing.

I'm just going to put this here: I fucking hated this movie. Didn't work as a comedy, barely scraped by as a Sleeping with the Enemy Lifetime movie of the week.

E.T. was just like Kirk Cameron Saves Christmas—neither one won an Oscar. They wuz robbed.

Biitten by a radioactive Irishman.

Here in Lake Woebegone…

I think you mean Jim Sheridan of 50 Cent's Get Rich Quick or Die Trying. I think that's why he wants to do TV—he needs a pay check.

Hurt Locker was just Point Break with bombs instead of surfing and bank robbing.

I hope that oubliette comes equipped with a gibbet or it will (or won't) be torture.

I'm inclined to agree that Spielberg has lost his wunderkind mojo. Lincoln is excellent, but it could have been directed by anyone and totally lacked his previous abilities to dazzle (or at least be Spielberglian).