Benthic Explorer

Sucked donkeys.

I'm traveling back from the future to see if I can get in on this league stuff for the upcoming worlds apart season. I'm all ready to pick, based just on the meet the cast video:
Am I doing this right?

Valid comment. I gotta admit, I also turned off Frozen and How to Train Your Dragon 2 after a few minutes as well. It all just seemed too chaotic and forced, more flash than charm. I used to be an absolute movie fanatic, but now I can barely find 5-10 each year that I think are great. And actually going to the theater

I had to turn the Lego movie off out of boredom. The Wind Rises, though, was awesome.

Possibly my favorite bit from Star Wars: "General Kenobi, years ago you served with my father during the Clone Wars." Damn, I thought to myself, this galaxy has a lot goin' on.

Typed this above: The Terminator car chase sequence.

Plus, there's something really wrong with Taylor Kitsch's forehead.

One of the world's best expositions scenes: The Terminator. "OK, I'm gonna take the next five minutes to explain the whole plot of the movie, but I'm gonnna do it during a high speed car chase. Then we'll park, I'll tell you some intimate details, then we'll jump right back into the bat-shit crazy action sequence, oh,

Had to have been a joke. I hope.

I've never been traveling and not wanted to ride on the baggage carousel.

In my day it meant free shit. Specifically free shit from sponsors, promoters, etc. If we can no longer use this word in its original context, then how the fuck do we say "free shit from sponsors, promoters, etc.?"

Another slam dunk from Ignatiy. Oh, and just in case anyone here had work to do for the next hour…

Yes, you know, but I'll still give you a hard time. An airplane is the absolute worst way to watch a movie. You probably aren't even aware of the harrowing plane crash sequence in the second episode of Olive Kitteridge. Without that sequence, that kid's character arc probably made no sense.

She came into my awareness after her big cancer reveal made the comedian headlines. So I checked her out online. Twice. Both times she did the Taylor Dayne routine and the second time I watched it already knowing how much I hated it. I just got back from 10 minutes of Comedy Central videos and damn, she's hilarious.

My unlikely candidate vote is for Obvious Child to at least get a Best Actress and Best Adapted Screenplay nod. But it will be completely shut out instead because The Academy doesn't know shit from shine-ola.

"I hate sand…"

When an idol is played or a player goes home with it, at least for the past few seasons, a new idol is back in play.

If you want to make fun of the way a deaf girl speaks, I suppose that's your prerogative, but you sound like a total asshole.

This. Yes. And then they do a close up on Jackquelynne bending over while she says people underestimate her.

wasn't that also one of the longest challenges ever?