Benthic Explorer

[Get Smart voice] Missy-ed it by that much!

I'm totally there next season even though I still have no idea what this whole league thing is that you do.

I think you mean she has a good Autotune.

The preferred nomenclature is "trustafarians," dude.

I'm here to predict the no-collars are going to get decimated. "You hear me, Lebowski? The bums always lose!"

Actually, I think his analogy was the most insightful observation of any player ever. He hit the nail on the head, then took a jackhammer to the nail just to utterly destroy it out of spite.

They should stick Coach, Philip, and Brandon together on an island and then nuke the island from orbit.

Brenda's take your teeth out request was truly bizarre. Possibly the most uncomfortably sadistic final tribal moment ever.

Shamar was a big fat failure. I can't remember, did he quit?

Gutsiest? I got the sense she had no grasp of a fire pole's mechanics.

I noticed that too. And I picked up on enough of Jackquelynne's contempt for him to predict those two won't make it long as a couple in their real-life post merge.

I did.

I wonder how much of what you really hated was a direct result of Drew(or was it Alec)'s blatant misogyny. Take that out and I didn't see anyone else mistreating women. Sure, they were foolish to not kiss Jaclyn's ass in a manner to which she is normally accustomed, but… That reminds me, I will really miss Jaclyn's

One needs to look no further than the custom made crutches and Keith and Baylor literally carrying her to say Missy was the most entitled player in survivor history.

Bitter racist rant? I want details!

To lose one's husband is unfortunate. But to lose three husbands is utter carelessness.

I for one, despised Missy.

Thank you for posting this. I really wanted to read it over and relish the wording. Hands down, the best take-down in Survivor history. It was the mother of all bitch slaps and learning that Missy was a step mom leads me to suspect Baylor cried because it was true.

Julie's cleavage was there in abundance. As were her duck-bill collagen lip implants.

Once she started starving a bit, her million dollar smile won me over.