Benthic Explorer

I'll repost:

I'm done with the easy-to-find idols. When Jaqulynne got the clue I groaned. When I realized she wouldn't look for it, I felt elation. Damn, she was foolish.

I'll bite. She gets zero credit because she and Jon weren't making moves, they were merely swing votes. The swing vote position shows they sucked at building a strong core alliance with other players but were none the less able to fall in between two opposing forces. The swing vote (Shambo, Erinn from Tocantins, the

Just want to leave this here before I catch up on the comments to the season finale.

I dragged a few friends to that very show, having myself been a big fan of YLT since New Wave Hot Dogs/President. My friends hated the show, thus beginning my long history of hating many of my friends' taste in music.

Oh good. Be sure to let me know when you're appearing on TV and I'll TiVo it.

Did I, like the cake, go overboard?

Fair enough. But she has 18 mentions of story in seven paragraphs. She brought it up 12 times in her last review. Me thinks her reviews are beating a dead horse.

That's sort of how Shane gave up his three pack a day habit.

Thanks. I remember now. You're right, that was the dumbest challenge of all time.

God, I'm realizing I failed to understand this episode at all. Had no idea Reed voted Jeremy. I was shaking my head at Keith, thinking he was going home with an idol.

That is a very apt description

Well the pastrami has more personality.

No, I agree with you. I seriously don't know what I was thinking. Or what they were thinking for that matter either. Natalie's going to kill them.

No. Can you elaborate on this?

Next time on Survivor: Jiggle your tits!

Samoa popped my cherry, although I had seen parts of the first season. Samoa had it all. Shambo's dream twitching. That dreadlocked blonde chick. Loved crazy Dave saying that if he won a million dollars he would move to South America and become a warlord. And Hantz might have been all about himself, but he saved his

He takes the cake in the secret scene.

Take out the guy who will beat you. Baylor can lock up Alec(or is it Drew)'s swing vote to pick off Reed, then split some votes on Wes to flush Keith's idol. Or blindside Jon. Jeremy was running the show, but now Missy is. I'd say that's logical.

OK, I can't say he's bland anymore, but he still certainly is banal, blah, boring, dull, insipid, tame, tedious, watery, wishy-washy, dull as dishwater, flat, flavorless, ho hum, milk and water, monotonous, sapless, unexciting, uninspiring, unstimulating, vapish, waterish, weak, and wimpy. You could call him vanilla