Benthic Explorer

The spirit of Pagong is strong. I don't think something like that would ever happen. Although you do find idiots like Coach in Tocantins who wants to go "steel sharpens steel" by screwing the alpha males in his own alliance.

I cringed too. And cringed when Reed fawned over Jon while ignoring Jon's leash-holder. And cringed when Keith obliviously alienated both Baylor and Prissy and put the final nail in his own coffin by spitting at tribal. And cringed every time Alec (or was it Drew?) opened his word hole. I'm looking forward to a few

Jacklyn is definitely a mule. Because mules are sterile. That is all.

I loved that I could close my eyes when Penner spoke and it was like having Alan Alda on survivor.

I would watch longer episodes.

If Natalie makes final three, the check is hers.

I don't have the facts, but I think it's clear she did not sit out on the second day pigging out. Her stash was extra, and meant just for her (and her imaginary friends, according to her confessional). She is an entitled person.

Define "care."

Screwed her? I hardly Janued her.

Last week I pointed out that Alec is a misogynist and apparently this will be more obvious next week.

"Is there anything she can't do?"


I think the best part of the Rocker casting (maybe the only good part), was hearing a "redneck" like Keith calling him an asshole.

Sweaters are hot.

If you can't be bitchy on the internet, then what was the point of Al Gore inventing it?

"My boobs are faker than theirs."

As a Gen X geezer, I read this as "pound Huyopa" but I would hate to encourage Reed and Josh to offend god with pre-marital sodomy.*

Let's whip it out and compare johns

Way I see it, Jon and Jeremy on the same alliance means everyone guns for them as first and second snuff. Missy's used to breaking off commitments.

Probst himself has called this a zero sum game, but to my understanding, the term is only appropriate in one on one games. If I beat you at chess, there is 1 winner + 1 loser = 0. Survivor seems like 1 winner and 17 losers. I've never been good at math, but…