Benthic Explorer

I'll take the 10 hour youtube video of "They're taking the Hobbits to Isengard" over the 3 hr The Dark Knight Rises any day. I don't think I could ever watch those batman movies again. I could see myself fastforwarding to the Joker scenes in the DK, though.

I'm a big movie fan, but I never bother seeing a new movie opening weekend in L.A. It's a logistical nightmare, even when you buy online and save your seats.

My god, if they made it an epic miniseries and hired Jodorowsky to do all the extra-dimensional stuff… Why the fuck is no one doing this? And by "no one" I mean HBoobO.

Nice jabs, Ignatiy. Somewhere, in space, Christopher Nolan's nose is bleeding.

"You mean—"
"—Yes. Premature ejection."

It bothers me, too. I once wrote to Roger Ebert and called him a clinchpoop because his review of 28 Days Later described that one chick as "black." When I saw a pic of Ebert's wife I had to think, maybe the guy's not such a cracker after all. Full disclosure: I am a cracker.

How do you guys find this shit out? I ask even though I've never tried to google it. Also, where can I watch old seasons other than cable and amazon prime?

Coach was a jackass his first season, but by the time he found Jesus and wanted to pray I wanted to slit his throat.

Someone (Cochran?) said you should align yourself with people who think they can beat you.

"It's like seeing complete strangers slaughter your daughter right in front of your eyes. The only thing that could possibly be more cruel is a father not speaking to his daughter for years out of spite. Oh, wait…"

As president of the pedantic society, I think you thought Jeff implied.

I think it says more about the possibility that Baylor has learned everything she knows about couples from her mom's 3 marriages and her Barbie and Ken dolls (who probably have more depth than Jon and Jack-a-lin). In fact, Barbie and Jack-a-lin both also lack female anatomy.

Excellent point, PK. Just thinking aloud, but how about "jive ass honkey mother fucker in silent hindsight." But what the hell is "silent hindsight?"

I support anyone saying anything outlandish, but what the fuck is "black man in silent hindsight?" I also got skeeved out by Drew (or Alec) calling Julie "bitch." Those brothers are obviously misogynistic assholes.

"White hot shit" indeed. And let's not forget that broken nosed w,retch of a human being, Holy, who filled the old guy's shoes with sand and sank them because she saw Russel Hanz do something equally shitty.

Nancy and Drew?

I'd put Wes at 5 but otherwise agree wholeheartedly.

Keith had brass balls or rocks in his head to not play his immunity idol.

"You're so cool" was the TR line. When the new Big Jon said that I could almost hear an AV clubhouse member heckle: "And barren!"

I always thought the guy was also going through coke withdrawl. Or maybe Aderal withdrawl.