Benthic Explorer

Best Candice moment: "We love you Billy."
Billy: "Candice and I are in love."

Poor fucking Caleb.

"So toxic" is just another way of saying Colton was a racist piece of shit. Right?

Their date in the Pontiac Aztec was the clincher.

The checkout girl at Krogers who always has to ask what kind of vegetable she's trying to ring up. Totes agree on Kelley. She had an Erin from Tocantins vibe that I was looking forward to seeing more of.

Survival at it's worst is still pretty damn fun for me. (Except for Nicaragua and Colton. God, that shit nearly killed me.)

I'm with Cabs on this one. Tribal council is often the least interesting part of the show. I was surprised by Kelley's snuffing, but more surprised hearing that Josh & his BF aren't doing any BFing until marriage and realizing that Missy probably drove three husbands away by being a selfish mama bear. I wish they

Plus we're at the point in the game where food rewards come into play.

IIRC, Australian outback lost their rice in a fire or rain and Probst gave them a new bag in exchange for some cushions.

I think Kelley just flat out intimidated them. She's the only smart one on that tribe, after all.

We'd have to see a pic of Dale as a twenty-something to really decide. One thing's for sure, if your significant other is hot but her parents are not, just know sic transit gloria.


Well with your bad knee, Ed, you shouldn't be throwing anything.

Jon quits? I thought it was Wes! I guess one microcephaly guy looks like another to me.

I meant Taj. Good pt about Yul. But then, Yul had a lot going for him.

Sophie from Coache's 3rd try agrees with your statement.

But he screwed the pooch at tribal telling everyone that he and Keith were in an alliance. I think it's best to shut up about who you're in an alliance with.

Did I hear him right? Did the whole family work at a car wash? I actually pictured them lugging buckets and sponges around the neighborhood looking for work. That backstory sounded straight up depressing.

Never tell anyone you have an idol. Just ask Taj from Tocantins. Or Val from this season, for that matter.

I wonder if the source of Probst's Savage love was that they look like they could be brothers. Kinda like how Spielberg loved Eddie Deezen for no other reason than it must have felt like looking in a mirror.