Benthic Explorer

Without looking at anyone else's response to your comment yet, I'll say that I disagree with your beef that Survivor sucks when contestants don't know how to play the game.

One thing I love about survivor is playing the here's what I'd have done game:
Rocker should have seen Val's departure as a sign of his own vulnerability in his tribe and now also with Jeremy. A beautiful set up in the challenge arena would be to call Jeremy out and say on exile Jeremy tried to pull me away from my

That's a good observation. If that winning tribe wins another immunity, then clearly Drewchebag, Josh, Wes's Dad, Baylor's Mom, and Little Jon don't have their head in the game. Someone over there will figure it out and they'll use that loss to take out Drewchebag.

He has other talents.

"Drewchebag" is even better. Is his brother "Douchebalec?"

Spoiler from the preview:
.stiuq sew ekil skool tI

Agreed about Wes, but did you see the scenes from the season at the end of ep 1?

McBride and Sasha Barron Cohen for the next season. Throw in Danial Day Lewis as Lincoln.

This gets my vote for best nickname.

I'm pretty sure the rxn shot of Alec when Jeff asked him about the animosity of the other tribe was genuine. His face screamed: What the fuck is "animosity" and then as Probst continued you could see that context clues helped him understand the five-syllable word.

I rewound her comment. It was stupidity.

Jacalyn's brief moment of speaking this season left me thinking, "She may be the stupidest person on the planet. Perhaps they should shoot her."

I opened the link in a new tab and continued reading until I got to the "can currently be rented for $3.95 apiece" part, and then I closed that tab without even looking at their website. Yeah, everyone deserves to be paid for their work, but I think these guys could all afford to share their knowledge without a pay

If it's a hit, they can always bring back the Saturday morning cartoon.

Well, I loved Voice from the Fire. Moore is a hell of a writer and entertainer.

Have you heard the Moon and the Serpent Album/Incantation he did with David J? It's pretty dope.

The only thing I hated about Fat Kid was that a day after I got the DVD in the mail from Netflix, it went online streaming. Talk about first world problems…

"The watch requires an iPhone."
Let me know when Samsung makes one that doesn't require an iPhone.

Oh my god, I'm going to have to watch this!

"A Coral Room" would be fitting.