Benthic Explorer

My god, that dull as dishwater Taylor Dane routine. I'd rather watch Andy Kaufman lipsynch to Mighty Mouse for the rest of my life than listen to a sentence from that one again. Is this the future of non-comedy?

DrDrake, surely you know by now that Beats are way overpriced and considered crap by anyone with functioning ears. Word is Apple bought Beats because they intend to phase out the universal headphone jack in favor of a proprietary one to force consumer purchases. Pretty awesome business model if one likes to viciously

I'm liking the new PBS Nova/Nature shows Netflix added recently. Beyond that, all I really want are HBO shows and old episodes of MASH?

I think he may have always been this much of an asshole—I mean maniac. During his time in the limelight on Growing Pains he had an actress fired for not being pious enough. Or maybe because she wouldn't suck his cock. I don't remember.

I used air quotes and your description of beards, etc kind of grated me for being overly disparaging (I'm of a generation where to be "hip" was/is a good thing), but then I recalled a restaurant in Silver Lake last weekend where every dude had a ZZ Top beard and earlobe stretchers and they served PBR in a can. So your

Aren't we banning Burger King? We should.

Right after her collab with Big Boi

Do any "hipsters" give a fuck about Kate Bush?

I think it's kinda cool, based on what was said in The Guardian, that she started the show simply, undermining audiences' expectations for grand theatricality, and then surprised them with balls out craziness.

Went to add it to my cue based on your comment. This message pops up:

The Immigrant streams on Netflix July 14.