Ben Dawson

Not to mention them being much faster when it comes to pictures per second and panoramic modes.

The Canon Powershot SX220 is pretty good at it, and even has modes for "Kids & Pets" and a "Slow Motion Movie" mode for sports events. It's also a 14x optical zoom and full HD which is pretty decent for a fairly cheap compact camera.

After spending most of my work hours surrounded by cameras in a camera store, and testing and demonstrating them time and time again, CSC camera [the ones in this article] are easily on par with most standard DSLR cameras, only far lighter, far more convenient, and because they're mirrorless they're also much faster.

The same can apply with the winner though, which should have been the NEX-5N and not the C3 seeing the NEX7 will be pushing the C3 out soon this year anyway.

If the viewfinder is a huge factor then it may sway you, however the screen on the NEX series is adjustable [tiltable] and doesn't have any issues in light. The NEX is higher picture quality, faster shutter release, cheaper lenses, more built in features and filters [and an amazing panoramic mode]... just an overall

After working in Jessops in the UK I've played with all the CSC cameras in this category, and the Nikon 1 series is easily the weakest, and I ended up getting myself the NEX5N as a result. Far greatest picture quality, 10 pictures per second, cheaper additional lenses, and the built in live filters and panoramic modes

Really impressive stuff... right up until the man at the end sticking his face in the hole like he's at the beach having his picture took at one of those stands...

Releasing a tablet at this time of the year though means Apple will have chance to trump it with their next model. Should have been released February/March time. But of course that misses Christmas. So swings and roundabouts.

I think blaming Apple initially is fair enough, but at least their names are a serious theme being big cats... I'd rather call something Panther or Lion, than Ice Cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean...

To be fair to Cook, he did have to give a keynote while realising Steve was about to die... can't really compare his performance for the 4S when such an event was occurring that we were oblivious about at the time.

And yet Android's larger screen has a smaller resolution, and therefore fits less content onto it than an iPhone screen.

I liked the ad, but it didn't really advertise anything new... it looks like they're revealing a new network involving all your games and characters, and in the end it's just an overly expensive gag promoting a console we already own.

I don't think it's fair to judge Tim on this keynote, seeing it was essentially the iPhone 4's own 3GS, the submodel, the 4.5 if you will.

People expect too much from Apple these days. When the 3GS superseeded the 3, people didn't mind. But since the iPhone 4 and iPad 2 people demand amazing replacements year in year out. This is the equivilent of the 3GS, the mid model before the next redesign.

It does have 4G, Apple stated they're not calling it 4G because phones that do call it that can't actually achieve 4G, so they don't want to be put into the same category.

People expect too much from Apple these days... when the successor to the 3 was the 3GS and looked idential, noone blinked. But since the iPhone 4 and the iPad 2 people think a radical redesign will be an annual event. Any realistic tech fan will have been ready for a 4.5 model this year.

The patent/design for 'power laces' has already been made by Nike, and if the trainers were created for the mass market, there would be a more viable reason to add it to the production line. The Air Mag's would benefit from mass production. And a profit margin could still be donated to the foundation at a percentage.

This can't be the new design given the rumours of an edge to edge touch screen that's larger than the iPhone 4's. I'm personally not liking this, or it's genuine'ocity... I just made that up, I know.

People are just jumping on the "lets make random speculations about Lion and why it's rubbish even though it isn't" bandwagon. I've not had one issue with Lion or any of the software running on it... whether it be CS5, Microsoft Office or anything on Steam.

I think FCP X is far better than people give it credit, and people calling it iMovie Pro are doing the package a disservice. Sadly my 2008 black MacBook's graphics card isn't compatible, meaning even though my 4GB RAM and Dual Core processor can handle the editing, the preview window's colors are non existent... even