Ben Dawson

Borders in the UK closed down about a year ago leaving Waterstones as the only main chain, but thankfully they've worked with Amazon to have Kindle and ebook offers in-store. So hopefully they'll survive otherwise us Brits will HAVE to be digital.

I've upgraded my 2008 black MacBook with a new disc drive, 750GB hard drive and it has 4GB of RAM. Sadly the reason it is now letting me down is the graphics card, which is not supported by Final Cut Pro X... so because of one part, the rest of it is supposedly out of date which is such a shame. Yeah I don't have

Supports 1080p, 1080i, 720p, 480p and 480i. Compatible cables include HDMI, component, S-video and composite. Uses AV Multi Out connector.

At least with the Wii's simplicity it doesn't have enough room to falter as much. We'll see how Nintendo handle such a powerhouse with Project Cafe. I'm sure they'll learn from these mistakes.

Already own mine in the UK and own Street Fighter and Lego Star Wars.

I think they mean put it on Twitter so Apple actually see the trending topics...

I can understand Apple having to make a big deal out of it, for the sake of Paul's ego...

I take it noone has ever pointed a camera at a TV screen before then... sigh...

Wallace & Gromit... where are they?!

The sky through the window is different times of the day.

America has never EVER remade a UK product successfully.

@DefineStatutory: Well they didn't admit to over hyping the iPhone signal scenario, so I doubt Android's treatment would be any better.

Why didn't they go the whole hog and call it the Microsoft Magic Mouse? At least then you're admitting it's a copied idea...

Seeing there are probably dozens of Android models now, it makes no sense to compare whatsoever. And as people have said, Android is open source... hence all the dodgy copyright breaking apps it's swamped in.

Yet again with the biased gossip. Didn't this use to be a news site?

The idea of a phone with IE installed makes me worry... if they wouldn't install it on their own console, adding it to a smartphone is strange. More people own 360's afterall.

"You bought a stolen prototype

The problem with the internet, and modern news, is it takes advantage of any negative event and makes a mountain out of it.

The validity of any of these reports isn't what personally bothers me, it's how quick reporters are to say how many Apple products are made there. When in reality far more non Apple products will be on those factory lines.

People who think ads don't effect them are very deluded. Our lives are completely decided by the media. Every decision, every meal, every t-shirt, every everything is promoted to you... no-one is really unique. Media are the most powerful people on the planet.