Ben Dawson

I doubt Steve Job's email would send out "stay tuned" emails, denying reception issues, if they weren't going to update the iOS to combat it.

Anyone who buys and expensive phone and doesn't get a case for it is daft anyway... if anything at least the signal will encourage people to protect their phones!

To be fair, if you want to buy potentially £500+ new phone, and not get a cover for it... you deserve to have something wrong with it!

Yeah I saw this on Dragon's Den aswell. All the Dragon's said no.

Running it on my Touch 2G has been fine. It took a while to install, but after a couple of minutes running there's been speed improvements over 3.1.3.

Sony in my opinion did the second best in terms of their E3 presentation. Microsoft were the worst, after a very disappointing Kinect demonstration. The lag is pretty noticable for a supposed 1:1 camera. Not to mention the constant Wii ripoff titles.

This is the problem that Kinect has though, that there's no physical feedback from the product. Good gimmick, but no longevity.

Nintendo stole this years E3 from everyone didn't they haha!

Well at least BP was blamed and not the whole of the UK. The amount of clips online with Americans burning British flags is beyond a joke...

@SethThresher: If you mean everyone needs an iPhone 4 to video chat, not really. Skype will update it's app to allow camera usage.

@gapingLotus: Well if you watch the iPhone 4 video on Apple's site, there's a clip of the glass actually being bent like a plastic ruler and being perfectly fine.

"Fingerprints on both sides, sigh."

Official iPhone HD poster?

My 3 predictions, other than the iPhone HD [my predicted name] are: