Ben Dawson

What will be the deal breaker here is, similar to how iOS performs better geekbench wise on an iPhone and it’s chipset despite lower RAM etc than similar Android devices, that the M1 chip will help benchmarks and MacOS perform in ways Windows machines could only dream of benchmarking. The joy of Apple hardware and

Or you buy Yellow and obtain all three Red/Blue starter Pokemon throughout the game anyway...

Upgraded windows 7 pro to 10 pro tonight and now the start menu being opened (as well as any software such as boot camp control panel) is causing a bad pool error. Any ideas?

Now playing

Works here in England. For a new take on this, check out the Avicii remix of it.

Now playing

Works here in England. For a new take on this, check out the Avicii remix of it.

Now playing

Check out Channel 4's marketing for Sochi in the UK... it's a tongue in cheek but blatent Gay Rights advert. They're even changing their logo to be rainbow coloured for the event. A giant model as big as their headquarters that's rainbow coloured has even been built as a reminder.

It's probably where all the lost episodes of Doctor Who have ended up...

I personally think the Photos icon is a nice idea, and if people had the last image they were looking at as the icon itself, who knows what people would see on each other's screens!

Of course if you live within EU laws you aren't able to be tracked in this fashion. The software has it in there, but it's not actually being used. So this article only really applies to places like America, Canada, Australia etc.

KickStarter still does have some impressive projects. Whether it's the earphones that have untangle-able cables, or the Twilight Symphony being recorded by Zelda Reorchestrated, some projects are still sincere. It's just a shame that the minority spoil it for the majority.

Here's a present day camera, the Pentax KR, in 'rainbow'....

I'm thinking the obvious Retina Display, improved A5 chip [possibly quad core], HD Facetime for the new display, possible 4G connectivity... and there's still a slim chance of Haptic Feedback, given their tagline AND the use of different textures in the logo above the event's door...

I'm guessing a lack of physical button, but a touch sensor that's invisible in the same place. Less gaps for dust, but still a button there.

See while people can suggest places like MegaUpload were used mostly for piracy and copyrighted downloads, they can also be perceived as great marketing tools for international audiences. For example, if someone manages to download the pilot to a show in the States whilst living in the UK, there is more of a chance

He said five words ever up until the online promotion for the Nintendo 3DS, where Nintendo then had him narrate a full five minute video with the Mario accent... it proved Mario should never be heard that much, ever...

I do find it strange that the NEX5N wasn't chosen over the C3 when the price point of the 5N is actually less than the Nikon 1 series.

Depends what price bracket they look at I guess, for the bracket you've purchased from you've probably picked the best... however if it's open to all brackets then your 7D or 1DX could take the crown.

Exactly, it's clearly not trouser pocket sized, but coat pocket sized easily... and a DSLR would never be coat pocket sized unless you had a Time Lord's jacket.

Yeah at Jessops we're going for the CSC title, which is slightly confusing when put next to standard compacts, but it's bearable.

That's comparing a series of cameras that have evolved for many years, in comparison with a whole new genre of cameras that have only just been born... try comparing again in 5 years time and you'll struggle to see difference in specs.