
I hate spoilers and the idea of spoiling something for others and myself, if I'm not looking for the answer.

Oh I think they'll sacrifice the priest to nature (the spiders).

If it's not the case I'm wrong, if it is the case I'd hate to have spoiled it for others.

Sorry for the confusion. Yes, the 13th Doctor.

You and I know it would be a suicide run but I do not think the father wanted to commit suicide before finding his son or even after finding the body.

Genius! That is it! Those people just lack the power of positive thing and telling the Mist to go away since the Mist is respectful and groupthink might keep it from ducking under doors.

I have to agree that they could have isolated him. And given that no one has come into the Mall and everyone that leaves the Mall disappears, a rifle and three days supplies taken out of stock deprive the whole Mall community.

I took the fact the the spider was re-scouped back into the jar as the dead body was food for the spawn of the dead spider. i.e. the original spider laid eggs in the jar and the spawning speed was somewhat irrational/unnatural. But I'd enjoy otherworldly creatures also. I think the grieving woman is off her rocker but

Yeah, they ran to the garage (And I was thinking last night how it was a miracle that none of them died given how quickly the first cop and churchgoer succumbed to the Mist). So I'd guess the garage was not that far away from the church or the dead son's body (Tangent: When I first saw the body I thought it was one of

I thought she'd shoot out the window.

"No you can't come in here!" small child bangs on the glass while people hold it closed and eventually dies a horrible death.

The actor that is supposed to play him.

Part of me wondered why they did not close the open window or at least lock the door to the room with the open window. But I'm not so sure I would have wanted to stay in the Mist.

Elk and Horses were a real danger in places in Arizona. Flashing highbeams up then down supposedly allowed the animals to see the car and run, and not be frozen by the lights.

If the speculation is correct, yes. We will see.

"The Doctor and Bill’s little conversations are some of my favorite
interactions between Doctor and companion ever, with tonight’s
back-and-forth on Time Lords and gender a particular highlight. Anytime a
flummoxed Doctor tells Bill to shut up is a good moment in my book."

I can be a huge fan of horror movies that do that also. But sometimes there are films that mishandle or abuse suspense (i.e. jumpscare abuse or unimaginative/confusing/poorly times stories).

I mostly agree, and do not think it makes you a bad person. It is one of the redeeming qualities of the 1988 version of The Blob in my opinion. I think the presence of children as major characters along with adults in horror and monster films mostly weaken the films, with a few exceptions.

A pet's death carries more weight for me if it is incorporated more into the story. An animal sudden intro and death screams "Look at what we've done! Now take us/this film seriously." It's a cheap way to try to build and manipulate emotion. And it threatens to come off as gratuitous to me.

Do yo like it? I do not have Showtime so I'm not watching it. I was not a fan of the original.