Ben Roethlisberger's Face Mole


“My girlfriend’s not funny”

I like how you describe the new(er) show: spot on.

I’m just hoping they can come to some sort of Missouri Compromise eventually

Philadelphia destroys everything beautiful.

As a lonely, desperate alcoholic who can seldom justify drinking before 10am, I fully support this plan.

Trail of [ACL] Tears.

Using the iPod stock earbuds is a sign of his maturity.

Mularkey will be ably assisted by offensive coordinator Jim Bunkum and defensive coordinator Fred Hogwash.

I think Lucas succefully made the shitty kids movie he wanted RotJ to be.

I was at a pizza joint the other day with my girlfriend getting some slices, when this big dude walked in. He ordered a pizza to take home, and about a minute after placing that order he asked them to heat up a Sicilian slice for him so he could eat it while he waited for his pizza. What a total pro move, the

Or his championships.

Eating through a straw?

He can still afford a trip to SuperCuts.


I like the extended version, where Chris Simon comes out and decapitates him.

Of all teams, Penn State should know that shit only stays buried for so long.

It’s a shame the photographer didn’t focus on the real issue. Then hipster Amish could have been outlawed and the world be a better place.

Glad he’s finally caught a break.