Ben Roethlisberger's Face Mole

Sidney Crosby...

I haven’t seen an organization distance themselves this much from a Mike Richards since the Laugh Factory.

It would still taste better than Skyline alone...

So I work construction/demolition EHS. Having randoms walking around a partially demolished structure is one of our worst nightmares. Next time leave a note with your next-of-kin letting your family know they should not hold the property owner responsible for your safety and should not sue in the event of your death.

We had guinea pigs when we were growing up (as pets, never as meals). They were fucking disgusting and I have no idea how my mother put up with it. The best (though by no means only) story from our decade-long run as guinea pig owners occurred when we decided to let one of the males (Peanut Butter) bunk in with one of

I don’t get sad over celebrity deaths, but when Ric Flair dies, I will cry like a baby.

Drunk and pissed off at you. Who do you got?

I for one hate the revisionist history that pretends Ty Cobb’s nickname was “The Georgia Peach” instead of the much more appropriate “Corn On The.”

You mean a long face?

Malkin to Edmonton for McJesus

I bet there’s so much fecal matter in that beard now.

Honestly, fuck every single one of the people in @TonyHarpel’s picture so hard.

You can tell the guy feels really bad about his past bullying, he went so far as to wear a hair shirt in an attempt at atonement.

Why do we get the Taco and literally every other country gets the Hilux? Chicken tax is not the answer. Build them here. Demand is not the answer. Tacos outsell every other mid size truck by a wide margin and hold their value better than any other truck. It makes no sense.

Speaking as someone who has worked in amateur/minor pro hockey for the better part of a decade... that’s not really how it works in 2015. Almost all in-ice artwork is done with large mesh canvases produced by printing companies and the lines are made of paper; nothing except the white part of the ice and the blue part

I remember Mike Lange comparing this place to a dungeon, he sounded sober, it must have been serious.

My breakfast was 4 cups of coffee and a handful of Peanut M&Ms.

I'll say this about Randy Gregory - the fact that in his scouting interviews and evaluations he was prepared to talk about his mental health should have been taken as a major character strength. Someone, at that age, who understands what this illness entails, what vulnerabilities it creates, and yet is willing to

I lived in Pittsburgh for 8 glorious (no snark) years, and had the opportunity to go to many pirate games. The team was terrible, but going to a game was great - amazing stadium, fantastic view, tons of free stuff and tantalizing gimmicks, nice people, decent food. The best was Fireworks nite, which, if you’ve been