Let’s see: when the nice guy took office, the country was so far down the shithole the sky couldn’t be seen. Dow in the toilet, unemployment through the roof, housing prices in freefall, and all trends pointed downward
Let’s see: when the nice guy took office, the country was so far down the shithole the sky couldn’t be seen. Dow in the toilet, unemployment through the roof, housing prices in freefall, and all trends pointed downward
Do we have to pick just one?
Wow, you own am 80’s BMW, you must be really special. I now understand your post.
So you are fine with people not being decent to other humans and discriminating against them?
Man, if your comment is to shit on another man’s pride and joy, you need to step up your comment game.
You, dear readers, all have terrible taste.
You must be grounded to the ground..
I’m just curious what strange link got you from Consumer Reports to Jalopnik?
We’re talking about him. That’s more than the last Pope got me to do.
Whatever, terrorist.
Xanax always makes me buy crazy shit, not alcohol.
I wouldn’t let that stock photo girl leave either. She’s HOT HOT HOT!
Just stop.
The first full episode of Neat Stuff In Cool Cars premieres tomorrow on Jalopnik’s new YouTube channel. There’s a…
Lots of thoughtful comments already. To me, it seems that they’ve hit a pretty good combination of:
They probably are in Japan.
god bless you