One could argue that the decision to make Bright was everyone’s first mistake
One could argue that the decision to make Bright was everyone’s first mistake
Don’t forget the 2037 NBA Champion 76ers.
I find it ironic that these assholes haven’t gotten the lesson that video games have been drilling into our heads since the 80's: Nazis are the bad guys. They have always been the bad guys and, if you support them, then you are a bad person.
What about “Gattaca”?
Popovich Pops Off On Piss-Poor POTUS
Everyone in Texas is outraged!!!....
I had them destroyed! It brought shame to our house!
This is great. David please forward me the contact information for the new owners. I am looking for a safe and quite place to have events for my motor loving friends. I am thinking a schedule like this. Hours would be 5 pm to midnight or later.
If the whole league’s salaries total a mere $99 million and the league gets $90 million a year in TV money, it seems like the entire league only needs to cover $9 million in remaining player salaries, or just $400,000 per team.
Welcome to today’s edition of Deadspin Shits on MLS, featuring biased reporting and a shoddy handle on facts.
“When Forbes last looked at MLS finances, it had to perform mathematical contortions to explain why franchise values are rising even as annual losses continue to mount.”
“allegedly growing in popularity”
Jimmy Fallon is the fakest person on late night television. My wife and I watched him for about a year but got sick of his insipid grinning and dumbed down content. We’re all about Seth Meyers now.
Stopped watching Fallon way before he fellated Trump. If I wanted to watch game shows I’d quit my job and watch daytime TV. Letterman’s heir (Colbert), on the other hand, is knocking on Fallon’s ratings door, based largely in part on his nightly Cheetolini bashing.
I guess the mitigating factor here is that the answer wasn’t to a question of who he thought should be President, but who he’d like to have a beer with ...
During times of great upheaval, like The Great Depression and WWII, don’t people prefer light, frivolous entertainment? Just like during the crash of the 1930's, what we need now is musicals, romantic comedies, uplifting music, weed and harcore porn, not this depressing bullshit.
fuck off
He pushed her. You and he are quite uncivilized. You’re weak shit.