
This is a great piece, and in the middle of reading it I started to doubt the initial response that I had had at the beginning, but by the end it came back. You’re absolutely right that Fallout does action better than just about any movie ever. But while at the end of it I had had a good time, I wasn’t really moved. I

I’m going to let the team that didn't do the Tomahawk Chop be the first to complain about a lack of decorum. 

And trim those sideburns, Mattingly!

“But human stories aren’t part of the Marvel films’ business plan”

This is how the country slides into authoritarianism. This is how it happens. Anyone perceived as liberal and/or questioning the regime will be targeted, while the Alex Joneses of the world sit pretty. I’m worried.

That guy was more coherent than the President even when he was hung over and half asleep.

The minimum standard for being any type of law enforcement officer should be the ability to comprehend The Constitution.

Countdown until ICE agents are a protected class and jokes turn into “hate crimes”

If someone’s banging on my door, I call 911, ask for fire and rescue only, and wait for them to show up before I open the door. Homeland Security are still just cops and cops murder people constantly.

i am looking at this, and this “cop” (and I am not even sure he is a cop) was being a bully. There was nothing that should have prompted this man to pull a gun on him. The “cop” pulled a gun out of a sweater pocket, not a holster. What is up with that? It looks fishy.

Now playing

OK, I hate to keep being the hater here, but here is a question: does anybody actually give a shit about The Vision?

Your first mistake is thinking that Trump and Bush actually read books to get into college or pass their classes

An unarmed man who rightfully feared for his life managed to wrestle a gun away from an actual deadly threat. Yet all these shook-ass cops blast away black people because...

How dare you insult Homer Simpson in such a fashion?

Yet again, another fucking video that doesn’t answer the fucking question in the headline.

Counterargument: You are powerless. You were born randomly into the chaos of random circumstances, which you have little power to change. (born in Iran, Muslim, born in Kentucky, Christian, born in Utah, Mormon) Raised by parents that were thrown together randomly by natural impulses they couldn’t understand or

We like to think we are separate from animals, but we have no idea what goes on inside their minds. It’s like a pissing contest and the animals aren’t even interested in participating in it. With the way we kill, maim, defame, judge, hate, terrorize, and viciously control each other, I would say that we are worse off

Look, at its most basic- they gave Superman to the guy who did 300. And Watchmen. Because they thought, “Superheroes gotta be dark for anyone to watch them now.” And it blew up in their faces. Wait ten years, actually 5 this day and age, and do it on HBO. DC meets Game of Thrones.

Then again, the exact same could be said about Ronan the Accuser in GotG and that was still a good film.

Just show him the 3 original movies, never tell them of the prequels and sequels, let him enjoy his childhood. He will discover and be disappointed by the other movies on his own.