Some other kids are just annoying pissants.
Some other kids are just annoying pissants.
As if his tears would be any flavour other than vanilla.
That last picture really highlights where the real hair ends and the plugs begin
Foles now holds a Super Bowl record that Brady doesnt! Most passes caught for a TD by a QB
Giselle, 2012: “My husband cannot fucking throw the ball and catch the ball at the same time.”
There are various lawn enforcement charities you can donate to, that are good causes. In return you sometimes get a sticker you can put on your car.
I prefer to give women like this my attention.
Economic immigrants fleeing shitholes who see the American shithole as a step up make perfect immigrants. They hustle. They appreciate the good in America that has yet to erode away. And they often love America far more than native born. Plus they tend to bring some bitchin’ food.
The Prequels are the worst things ever made by a human
I came here to say the same thing. The police and the caller are both criminally liable. If a man answers the door peacefully and is then exexuted, that is terrible police recruiting / training / practice. We now know from the Daniel Shaver case that police are eager to open fire, and treat civilian lives as…
The SWAT officer who pulled the trigger is to blame. The person who called the fake incident into the police is to blame. The person who passed along the victim’s address is to blame.
Sure, but it’s a reminder that all of the symbols of rugged male authenticity in American conservative politics — see also “Sheriff” Clarke’s stupid fucking hat and flair, or grifter Zinke’s upside-down fly rig — are bullshit.
I’m getting the feeling there is a lot more than just asking some female staffers about surrogacy. I wouldn’t expect that to lead to resignation.
no deli meat is ok to eat. seriously, it is horrible for you. linked to cancer in multiple studies.
This was amazingly informative. Thanks.
[I]t’s an open society and it’s hard to prevent anything
Those only count as the worst if you ignore the Bear River, Oak Run, and Wounded Knee massacres though...
“So let’s get this straight, Lurie actually believes that Kaepernick was protesting the National Anthem”
I don’t know if one can claim that John MacEnroe was more hated than Jimmy Connors or Nastase.
Having the sick impulse to call the cops, from the site of one of the worst flood disasters in American history, to report victims of that flood for looting a supermarket; but also: a crime