
Maybe Abdulhamidov should have entered one of the diving events, where he could have had a shot at gold.

What I wish they would pass, is a law that prohibits cats owners from letting their cats run around outside without being leashed or otherwise controlled. Cats do incredible damage to wild animals. I’m not saying torture cats by cutting off their toes, just don’t let them outside.

Thank you for sharing. My wife had an abortion very early in our marriage because we weren’t ready. She never talks about it because society still considers it a social/moral crime, even if it’s legal. But you know what? We wouldn’t have our son now if she had gone through with the first pregnancy, because we would

At least for Star Wars, that DVD is actually “purer” than the Laser-disc version. The LD version still had a couple of alterations that are removed in the DVD — for example, when they are looking through the Death Star’s computer for the location of the tractor beam controls, the LD version still has C3PO talking over

I am very sorry for your loss. I don’t like midwives because my friend’s wife died during childbirth (the baby was ok) from “amniotic embolism.” While she may have died even with an actual MD, the odds may have been better. My friend’s wife was healthy and — up until that point — had a normal, healthy pregnancy with

I’m not sure what qualifies as “affordable,” but I looked up Maunawili in Kailua, Hawaii, and the homes for sale in that area are listed at $1.1 million, $2.2 million, $2.15 million, $2.15 million, . . . and one real bargain at “only” $995,000. At those bargain prices, you might as well buy two of them!

I’m nit-picking of course, but actually TWO marines died from that accident last week in Hawaii.

I never knew my wife had what she refers to as "monkey toes" until she bet me that she could climb a rope faster than I could. She then took off her shoes and used her "monkey toes" to help her climb (being able to "grip" the rope with her toes). I suspect this only works for light weight people, because how strong

Saying "other people have it worse" is saying . . . what, exactly? That we don't have to address any problem in our own country as long as we can point to examples where someone else has it worse? Then we will never address any problem, because we can always point to someone who has it worse. Or, are they saying

I hope he got his T-shirt.

As I read this article, that pic of the sun looked like it was pulsing. But it stopped when I looked directly at it. I don't trust it.