Benny Hinn's Tailor

When he gets drafted by Washington in a few months, he’ll be wishing he never said a word. Good luck, kid.

Wrong. The perceived problems rely on a fancy lad model and Messi. Spain won’t win anything this year. Look at the odds.

If shots are fired around innocent people, including children, the adults should show remorse and promote safety. I’m sure many did. Yet, a few people in the videos seem to get fired up about it. I don’t understand this reaction.

So, the one referee on the field is in charge of watching all 22 players AND listening to all broadcasters? Ed Hochuli would be proud.

Sad to hear Flutie’s parents died, but WTF is going on with this dude’s hair piece? You’re old and bald with grey hair. Time to accept reality.

“And you’re all still watching!”

Santa Clara already has the Super Bowl on lockdown. They should tell the NFL committee to piss off.

How does one steal a 2015 car? How is this even possible given current-day technology?

Looks like a Pontiac Grand Prix screwed a GM EV1 with a Subaru SVX filming the action. At least put something on the hub caps.

Carly: “No muffins here. Don’t worry, I’ll tell a story about someone that I met once to touch your emotions. Isn’t my newest hair color amazing? I’m totally old but my hair is only 26!”

Older than 13. That’s one of the problems. This guy is a shitbag.

My wonderful dog stops at lesson 5 indoors when he needs to go outside. After that, he’s all about running, smelling, peeing, smelling, pooping, smelling, running, smelling, then grabbing a stick. The stick is a prize that he must show off to every other dog and person in the park.

Calling it now: This guy is either a used car salesman and/or named Bob.


Sir Alibaster Wetsok

It’s only against the rules if the governing body says so. This is the sport you spend time supporting, so there’s no need to get angry.

That was the best weekends of F1 ever aired on TV in the US (you still suck NBC).

All you need is a bucket and a stick. I took this photo in Cambodia in 2006. This little badass also had cans Dr. Pepper to sell. Do you know how hard it is to find a Dr. Pepper in southeast Asia?

You should have raised 6.5 months in jail.