Fatty McDougal’s FanDuel lineup included Kobe. All he wants is to eat his feelings.
I see a few comments about shaking the wrapped present. Just put a note on the box that states: “If you shake this present, Santa will die and it will be your fault.”
From what I remember, the center-lock wheels required over 600lbs/ft of torque. 600 fucking lbs/ft!!! That’s like 9 Germans.
What the hell is a ‘pro-gun think tank’? A think tank is supposed to consider ALL ideas in order to resolve a problem/crisis. Does this ‘think tank’ gather people with the sole purpose of figuring out how to allow guns in places that guns should totally not be around? If so, that’s not a think tank. That’s a club and…
A professional athlete or “musical artist” making millions of dollars hanging out at a club? What could possibly go wrong? It’s not like there are thousands of examples of bad things happening.
Too easy. GT40 MK.II. The 40 actually meant something in the olden days. Some dude McLaren drove it. Also, some company named Gulf picked the paint scheme:
Politicians live to delay every idea unless they lose money. We could transition to a low-carbon lifestyle in less than 10 years, but that doesn’t earn substantial votes.
I live in Kansas City, Missouri, but Kansas drivers in the area are the fucking worst. They have zero concept of a passing lane, but LOVE driving like shitholes.
WTF is going on here? Yetti or Samsquanch?
Who the hell does LSU hope to hire? As a Mizzou fanatic, if we can hire hire Les for a couple of years, it would provide the best news in the history of man kind.
Why is 2015 the year of assaulting officials on the field of play?
AB would never write a piece or response in less than 4,000 words.
Trivia buster: Rahm Emanuel’s brother, Ari, was the primary influence in creating Ari Gold’s character. Apparently they are both firecrackers and short.
He’s still an asshole and said he would kill someone on national television. He’d do better in professional wrestling where he’s more likely to fail and go away forever. He probably reads at the same level as little Floyd.
I’m pretty sure there are enough men and women who would gladly work NFL games only. Why is it such an exclusive group of people who are allowed to call both NCAA and NFL games? Pick one and only one.
Then Dan Snyder bought out the hair dye isle of the local CVS and made everyone sign a waiver.
Maybe they should start with Baltimore first after they change their racist name and get rid of their little shitbag of an owner. Is that so hard?