Laz Diaz had headphones on too. You wanna argue with Laz? YOU SAY SOMETHING? NO NO NO NO GO TO THE DUGOUT!! WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT YOU’RE OUT SON!!!!!! OUT SON!!!! BYE! BYE! BYE! BYE! BYE!
Laz Diaz had headphones on too. You wanna argue with Laz? YOU SAY SOMETHING? NO NO NO NO GO TO THE DUGOUT!! WHAT WHAT WHAT WHAT YOU’RE OUT SON!!!!!! OUT SON!!!! BYE! BYE! BYE! BYE! BYE!
Refunds? Seriously, who’s pranking me? Is this Joey Googs? AHAHAHAHAH!
I feel sorry for the people paying for that stadium during the next 20 years.
I think Horner said it best during his P2 interview with Buxton. They’ve been offered engines from 3 manufacturers (at least).
Austin is also one of the very, very few places where drivers can walk around town without being noticed. Any sense of normalcy for them must feel great.
The ushers are still going to throw out anyone standing or children waving signs. They will use their full force of geriatric anger and adult diaper rage. It’s cold so the arthritis will slow things down, but things WILL get done stadium dwellers!
This is amazing timing.
“Not cool” - Aaron Hernandez on his secret flip phone while eating boiled carrots.
Good thing he’s wearing that hat to hide his bald spot and not the two open wounds on his face.
Who the hell ever thought Geena Davis was attractive? Seriously?
The next CBA must include fines for coaches, GMs, owners, and all NFL personnel as voted upon all members of the NFLPA. That’s fair, right?
Is it really a hidden site at this point?
I still don’t understand why the 350Z is so hated. I own one, but have become naturally passive and numb whenever ANYONE behaves like it’s the death of sports cars and we’ll all be driving a Prius because the Z is so bad.
“Best day every.”
I was born with asthma in 1977. I had hundreds of asthma ‘attacks’ growing up. During puberty they slowly faded away and would only happen during seasonal changes. April and October.
How cheap can GM get?
Moving near a race track that was there before said residents purchase property shall not provide new residents to bitch and moan.
The NFL has clearly defined the dress code among all participants. A violation will lead to a fine. This has been a part of the agreement between the NFL leadership and NFLPA members. What the hell is wrong with you people?
It’s OK because KJ his ESPN teets have a Cessna on standby to Bolivia within 15 minutes. His Armenian body guards will be left behind.