
That guy in the green shirt was already eating his peanuts. What a rookie. He’s going to be screwed when he realizes that he doesn’t get any more.

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The Suicide Machines actually was a band back in the 90's and earlier 2000's. But a ska band... anyone who spent anywhere near as much time playing the first Tony Hawk game for PlayStation, should recognize it..

No RS should have three pedals.

Jeez. So much hate in the comments. Am I the only one who thinks this looks good? It’s crisp, and grown-up looking. Does a good job of looking distinctly Volkswagen while also not looking like they just over-inflated a Passat.

I can understand how non-car people would think that, I mean they are both orange.

Story time:

And the first batch of unicorns had osteoporosis or something.


Plus this isn’t a transmission, it’s a GT-R transmission. Which I’m 99% sure is forged by elves in Rivendell using unicorn bones.

I think he meant, “The great country of Texas.”

Maybe you don’t know a lot about Paul Walker, or maybe your just a dick. But regardless of your opinion on the F&F, Paul Walker was a genuinely cool guy. He was a car enthusiast through and through. I met him once at a car show and we chatted, not about an R34 Skyline, but of all things we talked about a 10ish year

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Texting is a real problem in (what I assume is) Australia. Still love this motorcycle cop video.

that’s funny. i’m not sure i’d be as into cars as much as i am without that ‘stupid franchise’.

That’s a bit like saying ‘when Harrison Ford dies, he’s not a big loss to the space and aeronautics industry because he completely misrepresented space travel and the engineers in it.’

this is how screwed up out legal system is. Murder a pedestrian while driving like an asshat and get only 5 years.

In the red corner… Some internet random.

Mama ain’t raise no nerd with a seatbelt and BOTH hands on the wheel.

Don’t judge until you’ve seen his penis

Don’t worry folks. When these ladies vote for the “law & order” President, justice will truly be served.