
I’d like to add creepers to the list.

This is one of the funniest reads i’ve readed in a long time. Thank you Kristen Lee.

So, to confirm, this is not included if you purchased FH3: Ultimate edition, correct? Its an additional $19.99 (or $34.99 if you want the expansion pass)?

these ladies sound exactly like tree trunks from adventure time lol

GOOD LORD!! The flashbacks!!!

I completely and totally agree. It’s one of those ideas where you can’t really explain how it hasn’t always been that way. But.... Then you have these cars that flash their lights 4x EVERY time someone touches the brake pedal regardless of pressure. It’s like, “Yes, I see you KIA Sportage in front of me. I can also

And i was replying to you when you said, “Don’t get butthurt that I accurately described your age group.” And your reply was not to that thread.

Doesnt matter if I’m not 30. You were describing people “under 25". Last I checked 25>24, 23, 22...


Also, you didn’t accurately describe my age group. I am not under 25.

Lol okay. Stereotypical stubborn agists doesn’t understand the overall point. Blanket statements are seldom accurate.

No you idiot. Apparently you don’t understand hypotheticals because you like to take everything literally. That must be why you assume you know how I drive. And quoting what I said 3 times doesn’t make your point more valid. It is true that the term reckless is 100% subjective. That’s the point I was trying to make.

Here’s the stupidity in your statement:

Firstly, I don’t approach those limitations in the slightest. You’re making assumptions on my driving style when you know literally nothing about me or the way i drive. I actually drive quite conservatively compared to others on the road. I always use my blinkers, almost never speed, constantly check my mirrors, etc

Very. Still am.

This is a classic case of “I’m older so i know what I’m talking about.” We get it grandpa... “YOU know everything because you’ve been there.” Now go eat your oatmeal and watch M*A*S*H.

Okay, in all seriousness, that is the dumbest thing i have ever read. You’re suggesting that other people should have the right to determine whether or not you’re in control because they have a lack of confidence in their own defensive driving?? You can’t penalize everyone else just because you wouldn’t be able to

Truth be told, Justin Bieber does have some talent. Doesn’t mean he’s not a “Fuccboi” though.

I am 25. But not every person between the ages of 20 and 25 have a severe lack of judgment. Just because you believe its overrepresented doesn’t mean everyone in that age group must be labeled as such. What one person sees as “reckless” the driver may still be in complete control. E.g. Show any WWII veteran drifting

You were stupid at 20-25 ≠ I am stupid 20-25