
First of all Microsoft is telling you not to use it, so put away your tar and feathers.

It's not veiled. Microsoft makes it easy to be a punching bag.

Can you create custom kinect commands like "Xbox, give me my money back?"

Tampering with mail is illegal. If I knew anyone doing this I'd report them in a heartbeat.

Kotaku/the internet;

Urgh, morons always say this so much I'm going to have to post this on Pastebin and just link to it;

I thought the exact same thing. The only things that looks cool are the pipes.

So... this looks pretty crap? The actual blocks etc. in Mario 3D World are far superior. Maybe I should add Neltz to the 'Georgo Vaz list' of don't bother clicking their articles.

Im not going to bash the Americans for their liberal use and ability to have arms, but these situations are just getting out of hand. If its not school shootings, its people killing each other for goods.

Isn't 4chan... you know.... fucking retarded all together?

I guess you're from a world where something is bad and not popular lasts for 50 years, and looks to run for a whole load more.
Nope. No medication, why? #TeamNotWeak

No it's just weird, my friend is one and draws furry porn for a living. I find it hilarious and weird in that kind of Louis Theroux "what is this madness" kind of way. Like looking at a train wreck, you can't help but be confused as to what they see in it.

Strange, I went with a local news photographer friend to the midnight launch of GTA5 and looking through the photos now there's 18 women to 25 men. I just sent him a text asking what the split is for the PS4 launch at the same store tonight "just under half".

Because what I'm saying is the truth so it should be upvoted, I'm unashamed in it, weird that you think it's something to be ashamed by. But then again you also slyly support cheating it seems.

No I just dismiss fools, those that want to argue for no reason than to stand out. As you said you don't own the game.

Assuming everyone is American "Go help your parents prepare the turkey and enjoy your day"

Wow, another US-centric person. And attacking someone who doesn't like firearms. What a cliche!

Heaven forbid someone speaks out about something they don't like, on a site they otherwise respect.

Then why don't you look it up and find out for yourself? It's not difficult for you to do.

You missed the old one, it was so offensive Microsoft changed it just hours later.