
There are lots of indie games I saw in that presentation that I really liked the look of. Knack looks good, I hope that's running at 1080p, would really shine on a good TV I think.

But it's a very expensive accessory that I don't want. If it was removed we'd be looking at a price closer to that of the PS4, maybe less considering the slightly slower internals and cheaper memory. I don't want to fund what I consider a mistake, you know, how everyone used to hate Wii Motion controls I really don't

IVs are essential to understanding Pokémon, but they're will-hidden from the average player. The games only hint that they exist, whenever they remind you that no two Pokémon, even ones that look identical, are alike. IVs are what make that possible: they're a Pokémon's DNA.

I just really don't want Kinect.

You might want to invest in a larger display and TV. They were very noticeable on the trailer on my 27" 1440p monitor and my 55" 1080p TV.

Well pretty much yes, I guess I appreciate the game more than others.

New secret stuff I imagine, not stuff everyone always sees.

How fast must you play through to miss things like that? I finished the game in 2 weeks and now playing through the Online Mode but I somehow noticed all the little bits.

Wait what, these are things we already know if you've played the game.

Looks like you can't haha

It's something that has always intrigued me. My children (under 10) all know about love making but I'll certainly steer them away from violence. I'd rather have hippie kids than the ones that swear a lot on violent games online... which I see too much of in GTA Online.

I'm just curious as to why you're the only person who has ever brought this up. I post a lot and see a lot more. I've never seen anyone bring up avatars before... it's very curious.

Wow weird, because it's the exact opposite.

Not priveledged; hard work. I didn't have all this when I was young. I was dirt poor as a kid. Having nothing motivated me to get it, starting with a regular education that I (and here's the kicker that others don't know how to do) put effort into.

I've never been one to decide upon a person based on their virtual representation. I honestly don't know why this is a thing for you, I imagine you're someone who puts a lot of effort into trying to be you.

Just my own self satisfaction from not pirating.

No it's NOT good to have another fat country.

I've used one and yep it's going to become my default controller. Much better than the 360 controller, and thats saying a lot.

Even with my Eneloops I prefer the simplicity of a built-in battery. They're actually better for many reasons in small devices. (more capacity for the size, built for the consoles power usage)

Weird I've seen it getting 6's and 7's out of 10. My journalist buddies with private twitter accounts have all disliked it.