
Also what a weird thing to say. Why "suck on a penis"? Are you scared of them, is it seen as derogatory for you, are you trying to insult me implying I'm gay?

No she has that irritating nasally voice. It's a shame you can't just mute individual characters in that game.

Actually yeah that's kind of expensive. Might as well buy a 3DS at that price.

One of my friends from Singapore believes it's the height that does it, the fairer features are just an additional bonus.

She's that annoying one so no thanks.

Thats cool, I don't usually get toys but my 8 year old son is obsessed with Persona 2 and 3. I might get him this for christmas.

I guess if I was someone like you I'd post 2 articles about weird americans doing weird things. We know those exist.

Doesn't seem to be the case in other places I've lived. Maybe the Middle East, they like to control women too.

Yup. I've lived in 1/4 of European countries, Australia for a year, USA for 6 months, Canada for a couple of years...

Eh? I dunno it might be called something else, maybe about a prison? I don't watch a lot of TV, I maybe watched a couple of series. Should I? Sounds to me that according to you having a passing interest in TV is a troll...

Exactly, I think it plays a part but I also think the culture as a whole has grown incorrectly.

3 countries, it's not a lot. Germany is by far the most conservative country in Europe. I wouldn't use them as an example because nowhere else has their restrictions on entertainment.

Nope, never experienced those things in other places I've lived. Or if they have them it's just 1 or 2 out of that list and not ALL of them.

If it touches you you become a woman.

If Indie or Latin America are C, USA is B, other places (Europe especially) are A.

Very interesting post!

Nope, I've had games easily refunded with the option of the money going back to my Steam Wallet or to my bank account. Easy if you ask. I even said in one request "I just don't like the game, there was no demo to judge it off".

Strange that it's one rule for one provider... I like the uniform system other parts of the world have. After 8 or 9pm? You can now swear. Anything goes after 11pm.

If the game is bad then return it. On Steam you can get your money back if you complain within 14 days. I guess you don't know a lot?

England doesn't have a ban on gay marriage. Nor do lots of places in Europe.