
Penn Badgley seems like a solid dude. He tweets solely about social injustice it seems, and responds to fan pleas of “Kidnap me, Daddy,” with a solid “No.”

Seriously. Why can’t people just sit silently and stare at the interviewer instead of answering questions?

Anyone else think that the Sam/Rebecca romance angle is how they’ll work the sponsorship crisis back into the plot? Everyone thinks everything is fine. But Sam and Rebecca connect in some way and the message of Sam’s protest gets clouded when people say Rebecca only stood by him because he’s her new boyfriend?

I’ve been reading the backlash to Ted Lasso online, and I’ve come to the conclusion that people are starting to forget what the name of this show means. A lot of people seem to be caught up in the fate of Richmond, or of Nate, Beard, or even Rebecca, as if those situations are the crux of the narrative.

So I take this as there’s not gonna be any weekly reviews. This site must cover about 1/10th of TV/Movies/Music that it once did. Sad times

I hatewatched Dexter much longer than I likewatched so I see no reason I can’t do that a little more for old times sake.

I think it will go a little something like this:
Dexter commits murder
Dexter (VO): “I’ve done it again, murdered this person”
Ghost dad: “Dexter! You just murdered that person!”
Ghost John Lithgow: “Uh oh, Dexter, looks like you’re back at it again with the murdering!”
Ghost Deb: “Well that’s just fucking great, Dex, you

Yeah, it was cute how often they’d have Chase curled up sleeping in between the siblings and how he really looked up to them. Maybe it was due to limitations on the hours of a young actor but I wish they’d explore their relationship with Chase a bit more.

Yay! Very ready for season 2. Thank you, HBO Max!

I think she was more talking about Kai being arrested. I’m not sure she feels that deeply about the history of Hawaii’s native people.

In a reversal of the Mossbacher children’s alliances, Olivia chastises Paula for the heist scheme and aligns herself with her parents (I guess Olivia is a lot more like father Mark than she though, and redistributing the wealth was only an acceptable ideology for Olivia when it didn’t affect her wealth!)

After Shane Paula is the worst person on this show.  She ruined Kai’s life and if she had any courage she would have admitted that it was her idea.  Instead she feels sorry for herself.  I found her a terrible person at the end of this show and not at all sympathic.

Here is a lot more of the empathy I didn’t see in the first couple of episodes, and White has made all his characters, and the show, better for it. I even felt for Nicole on the scuba boat. She probably had no idea that Mark thought she didn’t respect him—I think she was just complacent in her marriage and had gotten

That’s gotta be where her story is leading, right? She’s been such a large presence from the very beginning.

Hopefully Hooper’s time in a Russian gulag got him out of that violent asshole phase he went through in Season 3 that the show tried to justify at the end.

I am still incredibly salty the bastards at Netflix cancelled GLOW even after approving the final season. At least give us finale movie! You got money, I know you can afford it!

Yeah, Daddario absolutely deserves all the awards for her performance, it’s unlike anything I have EVER seen from her, she is a goddamn revelation in this show!

I am loving how specific these characters are - like, yes, they are heightened caricatures in some ways, but never once do they do something that feels like it was shoehorned in just for a laugh/plot device, as you see in weaker shows.

why did she make that desperate, “cool”-filled pass at Kai?”

One thing I love about this show is Amy's quotes about life… This show ended with that profound line about "Not waiting for the sun." Which I thought was great but then I remembered that her character is portrayed as being perpetually on the verge of another breakdown. So are we supposed to take her anacdotes on life