You have truly bad taste!
You have truly bad taste!
Why did you sell the Focus RS? What did you replace it with?
Odd, I know a few people with ATS-V’s and CTS-V’s and none of them had any issues outside normal maintenance.
I haven’t heard anything major about the 3rd gen CTS-V - am I missing something?
Where in the world do you live where an X6 costs as much as a home?
If you dont mind me asking, what are your payments and how much was DAS?
I wish I could give you all the stars for this!!!
After having a 2018 F150 Platinum FX4 with the 3.5EB, I just missed the V8 noise!!!! The 3.5EB sounded like utter crap, and the gas mileage was horrible.
Counterpoint - fuck spoilers and this garbage article.
I loooooove how the Challenger looks and how practical it is, I just can’t get over the horrible interior. If it’s interior was even just as good as the Camaro’s, I would have one in my driveway right now.
I don’t know about that. One of my neighbors just bought a new Nardo Grey S5 sportback and, while I love the S5 sportback, the color just doesn’t do it for me.
Hey now, last time I went to Restoration Hardware they were renovating the store behind it so I had to drive over some DIRT IN THE PARKING LOT. I proudly shouted “Who needs a Jeep?!” as I drove over the dirt in my 2019 Yukon Denali.
Wow - great read!
I know we probably won’t see any info on it, but I’m really interested in a CT5-V and see if it has super cruise and possibly a new M3. I looked at CTS-V’s and the interior was a big let down overall and no adaptive cruise control is a bummer.
I have a two year old, so I need to be able to fit her in the backseat :)
The big difference, at least for me, is the 911 still has a backseat. Whenever I decide to upgrade from my RS later this year or next, I’ll be looking at CPO 911s, 1-2 year old GT-Rs, or new Guilia Quadrifoglios. The two seat deal just won’t work for me, unfortunately.
Go drive an Edge ST... It’s horrible. The fake engine sound is the WORST IVE EVER HEARD, and the Edge ST as a whole was just blah.
I was AWESTRUCK with how awesome this race was - I really really really hope its a sign of more closing racing. This season should be a blast!
I’ve given up on trying to get an accurate photo of NB on my 2018 RS... It’s such a gorgeous color, makes me smile all the time. I go through cars every 1-2 years normally, and the RS is the first car I’ve ever bought where I just want to pay it off and keep it in the collection. Plus, at least the RS is reliable when…
WHY IS THERE NO BACKSEAT?!?!?!?! I would trade in my RS in a HEARTBEAT if the new Supra had a backseat.