
Not going to lie, I’m pretty excited for Monsters at Work!

Famous last words!

I really like Gasly, but I don’t really know if he would be successful with another stint in a Red Bull. He seems to really be at home with the car at AT, and the RB just never seemed to suit him well.  Of course, now that he is more experienced, he might be able to succeed in an RB.  It will be interesting to see

Thank you for mentioning this.  I was seriously considering going through them once the R34 GTRs are here, but it looks like I’ll be looking elsewhere.  

Still a Kia, no dice.

This reminds me, I need to watch Fargo again sometime soon.  Great movie.

Oh boy, this is terrifying to think about... In the past 5 years alone(so 2016-now) the MSRPs of all the cars my wife and I bought adds up to $379,000. Holy hell.  We need to stop going through so many vehicles haha.

Speak for yourself, I can’t wait to buy an Edition 1 SUV Hummer.  It’s so ludicrous, plus the paint is gorgeous on the Edition 1 versions.  

It’s honestly the ONLY thing I dislike about my 2020 Raptor...  Hence, why I’ll be trading it in on a Raptor R next year haha.  

Make more money, then it will start to make sense.

You sound like the perfect candidate for r/iamverysmart

This is such a wrong take you shouldn’t be allowed to post on the internet anymore.  

He probably pulled that line out of his ass and has zero real-world experience with trucks.

Did you check who authored this post?  Doom and gloom is Raph’s middle name.  

This is an incredibly stupid take. I’ll keep on DD’ing my 2020 Raptor without this idiotic weight tax.

What’s so special about the Lux III? Genuinely curious.  

This is the correct answer.  

Wow, this car looks so bad. At least it’s not dangerously stanced like so many other StAnCE NaTiOn idiots out there.

Seriously, go fuck yourself.  

Seriously, go fuck yourself.  

I say good luck to anyone who tells me that they are going to buy Tesla stock or otherwise dibble and dabble in the stock market, which is all basically gambling, despite what every MBA program in America will tell you.”