BenjaminSmuttins SAY RESIST.

I don’t think it is ridiculous or petty. And I think husband should deal with his mother. I would decide what you want and have him deliver the message and defend your position. I am definitely #teamspousefirst over siblings and parents. If you traditionally host Thanksgiving, and prefer to host it for your friends,

Maya - I am also using my phone to post.  Discord should work with limited data as well, even if you only post on Saturday nights.  There is a special section for SNS on the server. Hope this helps!

Don’t let other people get you down. It sounds like you are being very careful about your preparations, which seems like a pretty normal/good sign for someone preparing to take responsibility for a young person’s health, safety and welfare. Follow your gut, it sounds like you are doing a great job. I hope that everythi

I use CeraVe Night moisturizer. It is the only thing that doesn’t make my face angry. During the day, I use the same (Night) moisturizer and add a mineral based sunscreen. My dermatologist recommended this regimen, and it definitely works for me without breaking the bank.

I do.  Check out Paper Theory, Grainline Studios and Closet Case for the style of patterns I enjoy.  Mainly print at home patterns because I am impatient! 

Join the Discord server as a backup plan. I think the Titanic post was giving everyone the coded message earlier this week.  

This is why I forced my old and somewhat lazy buns to do this tonight - I am not sure when the last night will be.  Now or never, Smuttins! 

For anyone tempted to vote Republican or third-way Democrat, this little tidbit should be the takeaway:

I deeply hope that a lawyer will pick up the case and sue this incompetent weasel back to the Stone Ages (where his mind obviously already resides) and set him up with a nice, long stay in Club Fed for HIPAA violations.

Holy moly. That is painful. Only racists call an adult human boy. And he uses it like a crutch word - when in doubt, throw in another boy. It makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.  😬

No worries. I just found out myself a few weeks ago. (I posted a similar suggestion and a super rude person questioned my sanity and intelligence on the way to letting me know that Facebook purchased Instagram.) A lot of people have rage hard-ons here since Splinter died. Blech.  At least they are mostly gray and

I had tried Twitter (back when it looked like the entire GMG was going down after the lawsuit) and I really didn't get the platform. It felt like you had to be on the phone all the time, and I am more of a check in a few times per day person.  It always felt like I had arrived after the parade had passed by.  

Ugggh. So her soon to be ex-husband choreographs a revenge porn campaign against her, and she resigns her position. Ugh. 

Stopped just short of clicking, wondering if it was that Ben, and if so, if it was that same problem.  Pulled my finger back on the off chance that it was. 

Facebook owns Instagram...☹️

This is my recollection of the opposition to marketing PrEP as a magical cure-all medicine, when it does not protect against other very serious sexually transmitted diseases beyond HIV. Hepatitis, and resistant strains of clamydia, syphilis and gonorrhea are all very dangerous, and not protected by PrEP.

Is there an alternate platform for sharing events and other little bits of music, photos, etc? Honestly asking. I have a Book of Faces account, but I don’t use it much. I think many people just use it to keep in contact with friends and follow events, but would be happy to switch to another platform.

Your lips to God’s ears. Let it be so. At this point, sending all of them to prison is the only thing I can imagine shutting down the hubris and corruption of the Republican party for a good, long while. Ideally, at the same time, the Democrats would vote against candidates with failsons earning millions at no-show

Done!  None of these are actual things. Go back to conspiracy land at Fox News.

Several factors suggest that yes, Iowa and New Hampshire should be minimized. The thinking goes that the first state in the nation to vote should be the state that most closely matches the demographics of the party electorate. For Democrats, the closest match is Illinois, with special attention paid to the