Lemmy Cawshun

This same thing happened at last year's Gathering of The Juggalos. Coincidence?

I'd take Ike Turner even…oh, wait…

Trump being pissed…on

It's a sash, fashionista

*then insults Chris Christie*

Hold On!

"And on drums, please give a warm welcome to Ming The Merciless."

Now I know what Schon looks like when taking a dump.

So did their video game.

*plays air keytar*

"This guy sucks!" - Vanilla Ice

"You are NOT the father!" (every guest who gets this telling breathes huge sigh of relief)

I got tickets for it, but they ended up being for Paradise instead!

You're thinking of the news. It's fake.

all he needs is the button - for a diet coke.

Up top!

Guy doesn't know what the eff he's talking about. I mean Trump.

I heard it was on car phones. Or walkie-talkies.

"now that's a knife…"
