Benjamin Heneberry

Wait, "my" side? Me, specifically? And what side do you think I'M on? I'm still confused. In my experience the people who actually hate Muslims are dwarfed exponentially by the people who equate any criticism of any Muslim with "Islamophobia."

"Mudslide invaders"? Ok THAT'S some Islamophobia there, for those keeping track.

He's said repeatedly that moderate Muslims exist, in fact he's had a lot of them on his show, such as Nawaz and Keith Ellison. Fact is though he's against ALL religion, so yes he's going to include Islam in there. The thing is though when he repeatedly insults Christians and Catholics no one bats an eye, but the

So this article isn't saying that women aren't being paid fairly, it's saying that the lack of roles for women result in lower salaries. Presumably though, a man who had the same history of taking smaller, non-starring roles in film would ALSO have a lower quote.

Horrible joke notwithstanding, someone needs to explain how "being against Islamic terrorism" = "hates all Muslims", because by that logic, Maajid Nawaz is an Islamophobe.

I've read before that this is actually one of those Mysteries that was solved decades ago, and that the bones of a Caucasian woman were found in the area like five years later. It seems pretty likely that it would have been Earhart, but who knows.

All that being said, a free press in no way whatsoever implies an "unbiased" one. Weekly World News is free press, but only a crazy person actually believes what they write.

Fair 'nuff

Ok that was SERIOUSLY the most pompous and condescending thing I've read in the last ten years. I can almost picture you saying it with an overly enunciated, mid-Atlantic accent, while holding an unlit pipe in your hand. I mean WOW. But yes, I'm the arrogant one for not liking an actor (and really? You hold the Oscars

"you're a fucking moron! Nothing personal."

Movies that make money tend to begat more movies like it; that's not a simplistic assumption, that is literally how capitalism works. Given the fact that my analysis is somewhat in line with that of movie executives, whose jobs depend upon the movies they make being hits, I'm going to stick with my reasoning. 20 years

Banksy is Robin Gunningham. This has been an open secret in the art world for several years now.

I'm not an actor. So…? I don't need to be an actor to know good acting, any more than I need to be a professional basketball player to know good dribbling when I see it.

What part of what I wrote was incorrect? More movies star men than women, those movies tend to make more money, star salaries are largely dependant on box office - all true.

There are far less female-fronted movies than male-fronted, right? And those movies, with a few nice exceptions like Wonder Woman, tend not to make as much as male movies, right? So, given the fact that virtually all above-the-line talent are freelance (and therefore the "norm" is basically what their agents can

I've never understood why people give, say, Al Pacino so much crap for over acting, and then give Daniel Day-Lewis a free ride. I'm not saying he hasn't been entertaining, but he's virtually incapable of a simple human moment.

How did you know I crap my pants whenever I drink?

I'm genuinely curious to know how many people on the left who call out Fox News for lying actually watch it, like literally ever. Probably as many conservatives as read The Huffington Post.

Okay in all fairness, it's not like Democrats ever fall on their sword and take the blame for anything either. Witness Hillary Clinton, recently blaming the Obama Administration for why she lost. And yes, I did respond to a criticism of a republican by saying "but, but Hillary!" What of it?

See, that's what everyone says, but the idea of watching a Kill Bill with even less action than the first is literally torturous to me, as I thought the first movie was shockingly low on action considering how much people were raving about it.