Benjamin Heneberry

It is real in the sense that a woman's lifetime earnings are less than a man's, but it is NOT real in the sense that men get paid more for the same work. I have been a hiring manager for the last 20 years and I have never seen or heard of a woman getting paid less for the same work as a man. Granted, I'm just one

Oh in that case never mind.

And the difference is…?

Perhaps purge was the wrong word. I meant call them on their illiberal horseshit at every opportunity, refuse to vote for their candidates, and constantly and loudly proclaim true liberal principles until they've either changed their views, or shut the fuck up. The left used to be liberal until the progressives moved

"Progressives", please. Liberals like me are APPALLED by progressives.

As a liberal, former Democrat, I have to agree. IMO if the left wants to come back and win in 2020 there needs to be a wholesale purge of these so-called "Progressives". On the other hand, if you're a right-winger, these guys have to be seen as nothing but a boon.

It's amazing to me how often I express an opinion to a black or brown person and have them agree, and then that exact same opinion causes a white person to call me a racist. Believe me when I tell you this happens ALL THE TIME.

You just defined progressivism.

Fair enough.

Uh… Yeah, I'm a Bernie bro. What does Trump have to do with anything? Or do you view anyone who disagrees with you as being a white supremacist, alt-right, Christian conservative, or whatever pejorative of the moment strikes your fancy?

Cameron Esposito articles were always amazing, because I can't imagine a comedy writer writing anything less funny than what she wrote consistently. It's like she had no idea that she could use her column as a way to get people interested in her work.

Shhh! The baby is sleeping.

"What makes you an expert in gender studies, your degree in gender studies? Oh, it does? Sorry"

Ok that was kinda funny

Thousand bucks says this article was written by a white woman acting "on behalf" of black women. Because when we're going to make factually incorrect, race-baiting assertions, it's nice to add a sheen of paternalistic "white savior" condescension while we're at it.

That idea is a rhetorical trick that many feminists use in order to head off any criticism of the movement, since it immediately reframes the question as ideological rather than strategic. One can be completely committed to female equality, have ideological differences with feminism, and feminists will say that you

How to be an ideologue: 01) View everything through a narrow political lens 02) excommunicate your allies at the slightest human failing 03) rinse, repeat.

OBVIOUSLY if he were a feminist he wouldn't have cheated on his wife, which is why no female feminist has ever cheated on her husband. If he were a real feminist he would be incapable of having personal flaws, and I am in no way being sarcastic.

But is his lack of Feminism in and of itself the problem? Suppose it could be proven that he was a feminist, and yet his work still had all of the issues that the article mentioned. Would that make those issues okay? Suppose he had never cheated on his wife, would that make the treatment of women in his work any less

I'm not spinning my wheels, I'm repeating myself over and over again because you don't seem to understand. Freedom of speech ABSOLUTELY protects dangerous speech, it protects all speech, other than direct incitement to violence.