Benjamin Heneberry

Sergeant Pepper not only isn't the best album by The Beatles, it isn't even the best album they released that year. Magical Mystery Tour is far superior, and yes I know it was an EP and some singles slapped together for the American market, and no I don't care.

So am I literally the only person who thinks Kill Bill sucks? I was so disappointed in part one I still have yet to see part 2. I thought the action sequences were few and far between, and boring on top of that, which is why saying they manage to top Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and The Matrix is, to my mind,

It seems pretty clear that her comments were more directed at hack female comedians than at female comedians in general. For the life of me I'll never understand outrage culture.

Well, she'll never work again…

Yeah, great job keeping a lid on Travolta's sexuality.

Ok I SWEAR I read his Nobel Speech months ago. I thought this was old news, am I hallucinating here? Didn't he give this speech a while ago?

Cool maybe now we can get that Black Widow movie? Please?

You say that the point isn't to privilege white maleness, but your solution is to privilege disenfranchised views - ie it isn't privilege in the abstract you have an issue with, just the group being privileged​.

Are you my new best friend?

To be clear, Shakespeare bores the shit out of me. However 500 years later his work lives on, so he must have been doing something right. There are a hell of a lot of other white male playwrights of his era that no one's heard of. Also if your argument is let's give other writers critical analysis or critical

Identity politics developed from Focault and the rest of the regressive Postmodernists, and it's utterly irrelevant what their stated reasons were, when the result is to privilege certain ideas over others due solely to immutable characteristics like race or gender - ironically the exact thing they're supposedly

My God I thought I was the only person who is against the concept of "hate speech". FYI I'm an artist and have been following very closely the MANY efforts by people on the left to silence or censor artistic expression, which is why I thought the Liberal brouhaha over Trump and the NEA was such hypocritical nonsense.

See in my view authoritarianism is conservative in general but I agree with most of what you just wrote. If you look at Liberalism as stemming from Locke, this includes individualism and certainly is in no way authoritarian or collectivist. Semantics, I know

Here, here. The thing that drives me up the wall though is that though regressives are NOT liberal, in their blatant of Thor tarianism they are actually reactionary conservative. Which means politically we have two choices in this country, conservative or conservative. Oh wait, that's actually no choice at all.

Ok you referenced Monty Python, now we're friends again (she turned me into a newt!)

Good Lord no

Jennifer Tilly once have an interview where she said she auditioned for The Doors, and her audition consisted entirely of bending over and grabbing her ankles. That Oliver Stone, class act.

Oh look, you went directly to accusing me of being some kind of alt-right misogynist. Straight out of the regressive handbook, let's be honest it's the only tool you guys have. Actually I'm a lifelong liberal, which is the exact basis of my disagreement. If you and the rest of the identity politics crowd had even the

I have literally seen people say that science is the result of white racism. Identity politics absolutely is a denial of objective truth. We have certain shared cultural values in the west, most of which were not invented by white people in as much as they come from the Judeo-Christian tradition (those guys weren't

So glad I'm not alone in this! It's HIGH TIME liberals took back the left, and pushed these Regressives back down into the hole they crawled out of.