Ur Kondor

This is a Professor Farnsworth quote, I'm sure.

I… I… I… don't know what that means.



I actually enjoyed the sequel, and have been accused of quoting that one more than the original. And I never enjoyed Dumb and Dumber as much as everyone else seemed to.

"The only thing that annoyed me was Kristina…." Yep.

No, I don't think you were, b/c you were all "self control," and Andrew was all "yeah! rocks!" and sister was all "oh no, a snake!" and brother was all "where's my rusty gas can?" and Bill was all "railroads!" and Orpheus was all "it'll probably pass," and the insurance guy was all "peace of mind," and the professor

"as it happens, I happen to be a kick-ass accountant."

Usually the writers and directors who play or voice characters in comedies will treat those characters the worst. The Cricket episodes of It's Always Sunny… are either written or directed by David Hornsby.

So that's who Frieda's boss is!

No that was the octopus. She did get close to gettin' in Cyril's pants in the Baby Shower episode. "You awake, Cyril? Because this is about to get weird…."

Agh! Good one, it should have been mine.

[something]?, Kratwerk?, Hasselhof?

She only mentioned NC once. I think she, as most people do who have rented a place in NYC for more than a couple of weeks, mentioned living there at least a dozen times.

So, she lived in New York?

A friend of mine freaked out a bit at Deep Roy being all the Grunka Lunkas, precisely because of that X Files episode.

My life will be much more fulfilled when Andrew Bird and Beck team up. Or maybe the world would implode at two people so talented meeting one another.

I wouldn't go that far…. I remember Louis C.K. talking about how kids have to try out being mean, so they can know how unpleasant it is and decide for themselves not to be that way. Or they enjoy it and become jerks, until hopefully someone stomps on that particular part of their self-expression. Seems like this

Ghost of David is great. "I Break Chairs" was kind of a jarring change but really enjoyable. Brothers and Sisters…, Maraqopa, and Saint Bartlett will be more familiar ground, but definitely lighter.

"emotionally devastating" - yep.